Is this how animals get revenge? Experts disagree on why the world's top marine predator is attacking boats. But the trend may be spreading to other populations in Europe.
Killer whale White Gladis leads war on yachts
Is this how animals get revenge? Experts disagree on why the world's top marine predator is attacking boats. But the trend may be spreading to other populations in Europe.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
A group of rebelRise up and fight those in power. orcasOrcas are related to dolphins and are often called killer whales. This is because they were seen by sailors as fearsome hunters, who would even hunt other whales. led by an Iberian orca named White Gladis has started attacking boats and putting the human passengers at risk. Other whales across the world are following their lead and terrorising our ships.
A terrified crew watched some black and white shapes come out of nowhere and ramCrash into it with a lot of force, usually deliberately. their ship. They are orcas, named after the Roman god Orcus: ruler of the dead.
Orcas have been attacking ships across the ocean. There have been 500 aggressive attacks from whales since 2020.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Some experts think that it is just a fadA craze, or intense enthusiasm that does not last for very long. . They say that whales are very social creatures who often copy each other and play games together. Attacking boats could be another one of their games.
But others say that we should see this as revenge from marine wildlife. Research shows that animal attacks are increasing as their habitatAn animal's habitat is the place that they live in. is reduced due to harmful human activity.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question">Is this how animals get revenge?</h5>
Yes! The orcas want to punish us for damaging wildlife and driving them towards extinctionCompletely dying out..
No! We should not assume that animals have human feelings, or share our sense of right and wrong.
Rebel - Rise up and fight those in power.
Orcas - Orcas are related to dolphins and are often called killer whales. This is because they were seen by sailors as fearsome hunters, who would even hunt other whales.
Ram - Crash into it with a lot of force, usually deliberately.
Fad - A craze, or intense enthusiasm that does not last for very long.
Habitat - An animal's habitat is the place that they live in.
Extinction - Completely dying out.
Killer whale White Gladis leads war on yachts

Rebel - Rise up and fight those in power.
Orcas - Orcas are related to dolphins and are often called killer whales. This is because they were seen by sailors as fearsome hunters, who would even hunt other whales.
Ram - Crash into it with a lot of force, usually deliberately.
Fad - A craze, or intense enthusiasm that does not last for very long.
Habitat - An animal’s habitat is the place that they live in.
Extinction - Completely dying out.