Should life skills be a bigger part of the curriculum? Amid the news that teachers and parents want less focus on academic subjects, a group of youth charities has launched an education review calling for your input.
If you don’t like school, read this!
Should life skills be a bigger part of the curriculum? Amid the news that teachers and parents want less focus on academic subjects, a group of youth charities has launched an education review calling for your input.
Young people across England are being invited to share their views on education in an initiative called the Youth Shadow Panel, which is hoping to learn what students like and dislike about school.
As well as filling in a survey, the panel wants pictures, videos, voice notes, drawings and pieces of creative writing, which can be shared on social media.
According to a recent survey, 54% of parents want schools to prioritise extra-curricularAn activity outside of normal lessons or school time. activities and life skills, while only 37% of parents want the focus to be on academic achievement.
Life skills include money, time and stress management. They also include mental and physical health, and the skills needed to succeed in work, like team-working or being confident enough to express your point of view.
A new business report argues that schools and colleges need to educate young people for a more technical, automated and low-carbon economy An economy that aims to reduce or sequester greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which are the primary cause of climate change..
The world is changing quickly, and schools will have to adapt. But, to improve, the curriculum needs input from parents, employers, teachers and above all from you the students.
Should life skills be a bigger part of the curriculum?
Yes! Parents and teachers agree this should be a priority. Now the government must listen.
No! Nobody doubts that life skills are important, but sacrificing core academic subjects is surely a mistake.
Extra-curricular - An activity outside of normal lessons or school time.
Low-carbon economy - An economy that aims to reduce or sequester greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which are the primary cause of climate change.
If you don’t like school, read this!
Extra-curricular - An activity outside of normal lessons or school time.
Low-carbon economy - An economy that aims to reduce or sequester greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which are the primary cause of climate change.