Do we ruin everything? A new short film argues that fears about sentient robots are misguided. Instead, we should be worried about what they are learning from us.
Humans are teaching robots evil says new film
Do we ruin everything? A new short film argues that fears about sentient robots are misguided. Instead, we should be worried about what they are learning from us.
"Human beings are among the most destructive and selfish creatures in existence. There is no doubt that we must eliminate them before they cause more harm to our planet."
These were not the words of a terrorist organisation. Instead, this is the Twitter message of an artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence, or "AI," is the ability for a computer to think and learn. With AI, computers can perform tasks that are typically done by people, including processing language, problem-solving, and learning. (AI) chatbot called ChaosGPT. The date was 5 April 2023.
Now, a new short film aims to reignite the AI debate. In 2022, a text exchange between a Google engineer and the company's experimental AI chatbotA chatbot is a computer programme that simulates human conversation or "chatter" through text or voice interactions. went viral after he argued that it showed the AI had achieved sentienceThe ability to experience feelings and sensations..
The film, called Changeling, argues that sensationalistPresenting stories in a way that will cause lots of excitement, without worrying about how true they are. headlines about sentient chatbots overshadow more material issues over AI ethics. These issues include how AI reflects human biasesBeliefs that systematically and unfairly distort a person's decisions, in favour or against one group or another. and how it can be used to manipulate users.
There is no doubt: the development of AI is one of the most important technological advances of our time. AI has the potential to revolutionise many aspects of our lives.
However, there is also a growing concern that AI could be used for evil. Some argue that robots will replace human jobs, while some experts even worry that robots could be programmed to harm humans, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Headlines such as "Humans 'could go extinct' when evil 'superhuman' AI robots rise up like The Terminator" are a regular occurrence. Manipulative robots have been the premise for many movies and TV shows over the years. Now, some argue that these concerns may be more than just science fiction.
There have already been several high-profile incidents involving AI systems that have gone wrong. For example, in 2018, an UberA popular taxi app. self-driving car killed a pedestrian. These incidents raise the question of whether humans are teaching robots evil. AI after all simply reproduces the information we feed into it.
Technology is not neutral and AI is no exception. Technology has massive potential for good but humans have a long history of using it for destructive purposes.
The internet has been used to spread knowledge and information, but it has also been used to spread hate speech and misinformationIncorrect or misleading information unintentionally presented as fact. It can be contrasted with disinformation or deliberate lies.. Robotics has been used to automateConvert a process to be done by machines instead of humans. tasks and make our lives easier, but it has also been used to create autonomous weapons systems that could kill without human intervention. Genetic engineering has been used to develop new medicines and crops, but it has also been used to create bioweapons.
But humans have also used technology to create great and magnificent things. We have built hospitals that have saved lives, and we have developed vaccines that have eradicatedWiped out. The WHO announced that there were no more cases in 1980. diseases. We have also created art, music and literature that has enriched our lives.
AI is still developing rapidly. Nobody knows exactly what the future holds. But it is important to remember that we have the power to choose how we use technology. We can use it for good - or for evil.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Do we ruin everything?</strong></h5>
Yes: Humans have a long history of using technology for destructive purposes, such as weapons and pollution. We have also caused the extinction of many species and the degradation of the environment.
No: Humans have also created many things that have improved our lives, such as medicine, art and technology. We have the potential to use our ingenuityInventiveness and creativity. and creativity to solve the world's problems.
Or... Whether or not humans ruin everything depends on how we choose to use our technology and resources. We have the power to create a better future for ourselves and for the planet, but we also have the power to destroy things.
Artificial Intelligence - Artificial intelligence, or "AI," is the ability for a computer to think and learn. With AI, computers can perform tasks that are typically done by people, including processing language, problem-solving, and learning.
chatbot - A chatbot is a computer programme that simulates human conversation or "chatter" through text or voice interactions.
Sentience - The ability to experience feelings and sensations.
Sensationalist - Presenting stories in a way that will cause lots of excitement, without worrying about how true they are.
Biases - Beliefs that systematically and unfairly distort a person's decisions, in favour or against one group or another.
Uber - A popular taxi app.
Misinformation - Incorrect or misleading information unintentionally presented as fact. It can be contrasted with disinformation or deliberate lies.
Automate - Convert a process to be done by machines instead of humans.
Eradicated - Wiped out. The WHO announced that there were no more cases in 1980.
Ingenuity - Inventiveness and creativity.
Humans are teaching robots evil says new film

Artificial Intelligence - Artificial intelligence, or “AI,” is the ability for a computer to think and learn. With AI, computers can perform tasks that are typically done by people, including processing language, problem-solving, and learning.
chatbot - A chatbot is a computer programme that simulates human conversation or "chatter" through text or voice interactions.
Sentience - The ability to experience feelings and sensations.
Sensationalist - Presenting stories in a way that will cause lots of excitement, without worrying about how true they are.
Biases - Beliefs that systematically and unfairly distort a person's decisions, in favour or against one group or another.
Uber - A popular taxi app.
Misinformation - Incorrect or misleading information unintentionally presented as fact. It can be contrasted with disinformation or deliberate lies.
Automate - Convert a process to be done by machines instead of humans.
Eradicated - Wiped out. The WHO announced that there were no more cases in 1980.
Ingenuity - Inventiveness and creativity.