Can technology alter our minds? From video games to virtual reality, technology has become an increasingly pervasive part of our lives. But what effect does this digital revolution have on our thinking?
How mobile phones have changed our brains
Can technology alter our minds? From video games to virtual reality, technology has become an increasingly pervasive part of our lives. But what effect does this digital revolution have on our thinking?
Mobile mindset
9.15am. A message from your grandma. 9.19am. Your friend just posted on Instagram. 9.22am. You just spent £1.50 via online banking. 9.26am. Your sister reacted to your BeReal. 9.28am. A new episode of your favourite podcast is available to download now.
The average American adult checks their phone 344 times every day - or roughly once every four minutes. Now, experts in psychology, neuroscience, technology and more are asking: what is this doing to our minds?
While some argue that technology has a mostly positive impact on our cognitiveRelating to the processes of thinking and reasoning. abilities and mental health, others warn of the potential risks of excessive screen time.
We have known for many years that the human brain is highly adaptable. Many experts believe that technology can influence our thinking patterns and behaviours.
Some argue that technology can enhance our cognitive abilities by providing new opportunities for learning, creativity and social interaction. For example, online education platforms have gamifiedMade into a game. the learning of languages, while social media can help people connect with others who share their interests.
However, excessive screen time and social media use can also have negative consequences for mental health, such as increased anxiety, depression and loneliness. One recent report found that adults in the US spend almost three hours a day on their devices.
Other experts have raised concerns about the impact of technology on attention spans, memory and critical thinking skills. One study showed that just having your phone in the same room as you reduced the ability to process and remember information.
In the 1960s and 1970s, scientists discovered that lead in fuel was linked to poor cognitive performance in children. Soon, countries around the world began to ban it. Now, nearly 16 years on from the launch of the iPhone, some argue that we need new laws to tackle mobile phone usage.
However, not all experts agree on the extent of these effects or the best ways to address them. As with all new technologies, the long term effects of phone use are still unknown.
It is a debate that is likely to continue for years to come. As technology continues to advance and reshape our lives, it will be up to individuals, policymakers and society as a whole to determine how best to navigate this digital landscape.
Yes: Technology can alter our minds by changing the way we think, behave, and perceive the world around us. And excessive use of technology can have negative effects on our wellbeing.
No: Technology alone cannot alter our minds. Our brains have the capacity to adapt and change to our environment. We have the power to regulate our use of technology and control any potential negative impacts.
Or... While some technologies can enhance our cognitive abilities and improve our quality of life, others can lead to addiction, distractibility, and cognitive overload. It is important to find a balance.
Can technology alter our minds?
Cognitive - Relating to the processes of thinking and reasoning.
Gamified - Made into a game.
How mobile phones have changed our brains
Cognitive - Relating to the processes of thinking and reasoning.
Gamified - Made into a game.