Should the voting age be lowered to 16? As Britain prepares for a shock election, activists aim to engage young people in politics. But not everyone thinks they should have a vote.
Freedom in peril as democracy falters
Should the voting age be lowered to 16? As Britain prepares for a shock election, activists aim to engage young people in politics. But not everyone thinks they should have a vote.
On Wednesday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stood in the pouring rain and announced a shock general election, even though pollsWhen people are asked what their opinion is on a certain topic or who they are voting for in an election. suggest his party will lose.
Globally the picture for democracyA system of government based on the idea of rule by the people. is not great. People, especially young people, are growing dissatisfied with their political systems.
Younger people are voting less and believe that their country's leaders are not working in their interests.
Europe has an ageing population. People are having fewer children and living longer. As the proportion of young people decreases, so does their democratic voice.
Yet not that many young people choose to use this voice. In Britain, youth turnout in elections is very low. In the 2019 UK election, just 47% of 18-24 year olds voted, as opposed to 74% of those over 75.
Some think that major change is needed. One idea is increasing the number of people eligible to vote. In Britain, 16 year olds can join the army, work full-time, get married and open a bank account.
Surely someone who can take on such responsibilities should be able to vote, and have a say in how their country is run?
The 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum allowed 16 year olds to vote. Research has found that Scots who voted aged 16 have often continued to vote in subsequent elections.
Opponents of change point out that many of the freedoms enjoyed by 16 year olds require parental permission. They say that young people might be easily influenced by parents or other authority figures - although evidence for this is limited.
Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
Yes! Young voices are already underrepresented. Giving 16 year olds the vote should help to balance things out.
No! When someone is old enough to vote, they become an adult. And when they are an adult they lose some of the protections that being a minor gives them. The loss might outweigh the gain.
Polls - When people are asked what their opinion is on a certain topic or who they are voting for in an election.
Democracy - A system of government based on the idea of rule by the people.
Freedom in peril as democracy falters

Polls - When people are asked what their opinion is on a certain topic or who they are voting for in an election.
Democracy - A system of government based on the idea of rule by the people.