But is looking for it a waste of time? Experts say Aristotle's advice teaches us that well-being comes not when we look for it but when we live with purpose and meaning.
Foolproof: 2000-year-old recipe for happiness
But is looking for it a waste of time? Experts say Aristotle's advice teaches us that well-being comes not when we look for it but when we live with purpose and meaning.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
There is a global rise in unhappiness.1 Could AristotleA student of Plato, tutor to Alexander the Great and the father of political philosophy. help?
The Ancient Greek gave this guide to a happier life:
1. Face your fears. Aristotle said courageBravery. Strength in the face of difficult situations. will help us to face our fears, and this will make us happier.
2. Control your wants. Pleasure is not the same as happiness, and too much can make us unhappy.
3. Don't be stingy. Spending too much or too little makes us sad.
4. Give generously. Studies show that giving to charity makes us happier.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
5. Focus on meaning. Do things that give you a sense of purposeA reason for doing something. .
6. Be gentle. Anger will not make you happy. World religions teach us to "love our enemies".
7. Never lie. The most important person to be truthful to is yourself.
8. Don't focus on rules. You should not focus on the exact words of the rules, but what the rules are trying to achieve.
9. Forgive others. Do not be angry with others for too long - it will only make you unhappy too.
10. Don't do bad things. If you think something is wrong, you will be much happier when you are strong and decide not to do it.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>But is looking for happiness a waste of time?</strong></h5>
Yes! We cannot control most of the things that happen in our lives. You cannot make yourself be happy. It is much better to do good things in life - and this will likely lead to happiness in the end.
No! The most important thing in life is happiness. We do not pay enough attention to how we feel today. There is no point looking for money or success - happiness is what we should be searching for.
Aristotle - A student of Plato, tutor to Alexander the Great and the father of political philosophy.
Courage - Bravery. Strength in the face of difficult situations.
Purpose - A reason for doing something.
Foolproof: 2000-year-old recipe for happiness
Aristotle - A student of Plato, tutor to Alexander the Great and the father of political philosophy.
Courage - Bravery. Strength in the face of difficult situations.
Purpose - A reason for doing something.