Should it be a global festival? It may be the most American holiday, but the rest of the world could learn something from this annual celebration of gratitude.
Five reasons to love Thanksgiving
Should it be a global festival? It may be the most American holiday, but the rest of the world could learn something from this annual celebration of gratitude.
That most American of holidays, Thanksgiving dates back to the Pilgrim FathersThe settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620, the first permanent colony in New England., who survived their first winters in America with the help of the WampanoagA loose confederation of tribes. Their relationship with the settlers is not quite as the story of Thanksgiving tells it. The settlers brought across smallpox which turned into a deadly epidemic. Hundreds of Wampanoag died. The colonists took their land and sold survivors into slavery. tribe.
Nowadays, 91% of people in the United States mark Thanksgiving - more than those marking Christmas or Independence DayAlso called the Fourth of July, Independence Day marks the historic date in 1776 when the US Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress. . Historically, many countries marked the end of the harvest with an autumn festival, and Thanksgiving connects people back to the seasons.
It is celebrated by 74% of recent immigrants to America, and unlike Christmas, the festival is open to people of all faiths and none.
The holiday has something for everyone. For some, it is a chance to watch American football, or the Macy's paradeThe Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is a New York City tradition that celebrates the opening of Macy's flagship department store and generates excitement for Christmas shopping. in New York. Others look forward to the Black FridayThe day after US Thanksgiving, when lots of shops offer discounts on goods for Christmas shopping. sales.
Native Americans though argue that Thanksgiving is "propaganda", which whitewashesDeliberately conceals or hides the meaning of something. the conquest of America by European invaders.
But Thanksgiving encourages people to support others through times of trouble. Gratitude is good for you, and surely everyone could benefit from embracing that message of hope?
Should it be a global festival?
Yes! Thanksgiving can be celebrated by people from different countries and religions, among family or friends, with food, or sports, or shopping.
No! Thanksgiving misrepresents the European colonisationWhen one country or region is controlled by another. of the United States as a story of friendship and mutual support.
Pilgrim Fathers - The settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620, the first permanent colony in New England.
Wampanoag - A loose confederation of tribes. Their relationship with the settlers is not quite as the story of Thanksgiving tells it. The settlers brought across smallpox which turned into a deadly epidemic. Hundreds of Wampanoag died. The colonists took their land and sold survivors into slavery.
Independence Day - Also called the Fourth of July, Independence Day marks the historic date in 1776 when the US Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress.
Macy's parade - The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is a New York City tradition that celebrates the opening of Macy's flagship department store and generates excitement for Christmas shopping.
Black Friday - The day after US Thanksgiving, when lots of shops offer discounts on goods for Christmas shopping.
Whitewashes - Deliberately conceals or hides the meaning of something.
Colonisation - When one country or region is controlled by another.
Five reasons to love Thanksgiving

Pilgrim Fathers - The settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620, the first permanent colony in New England.
Wampanoag - A loose confederation of tribes. Their relationship with the settlers is not quite as the story of Thanksgiving tells it. The settlers brought across smallpox which turned into a deadly epidemic. Hundreds of Wampanoag died. The colonists took their land and sold survivors into slavery.
Independence Day - Also called the Fourth of July, Independence Day marks the historic date in 1776 when the US Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress.
Macy's parade - The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is a New York City tradition that celebrates the opening of Macy's flagship department store and generates excitement for Christmas shopping.
Black Friday - The day after US Thanksgiving, when lots of shops offer discounts on goods for Christmas shopping.
Whitewashes - Deliberately conceals or hides the meaning of something.
Colonisation - When one country or region is controlled by another.