Will Charles III make any difference? Yesterday he gave his first King’s Speech. Now some want to hear some bigger ideas.
Five big ideas NOT in the King's Speech
Will Charles III make any difference? Yesterday he gave his first King's Speech. Now some want to hear some bigger ideas.
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Charles III has had 74 years to get ready for his first King's SpeechA speech by the British monarch outlining the UK government's plans for the year ahead. . Yesterday, he walked into the UK's parliamentAn assembly of representatives, usually of an entire nation, that makes laws. to read out the UK governmentThe group of people who govern - or lead - the country.'s plans for the year.
The plans included a total smoking ban for anyone born in 2009 or later and a new body to make rules for English football - all ideas from the ruling Conservative PartyA British political party. Members are known as Tories..
But some think it is time for bigger ideas. Here are five big ideas that Charles III could have read out instead:
New towns: British towns like Milton Keynes and Letchworth were built from scratch in the last century100 years. . We could do the same this century.
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RewildingReturning developed or farmed land to its natural state by reintroducing species that once lived there. : One-sixth of all the UK's speciesA set of animals or plants with similar features. Members of the same species can breed with each other. are at risk of extinction. Charles could announce plans to bring back the great British countryside.
Brand-new railway: The need for railways has never been greater. Why not build a new line stretching from Brighton up to the Orkney IslandsA group of Scottish islands. People live on 20 of the islands. , a British Trans-Siberian RailwayThe longest railway line in the world, connecting Moscow in Russia's west to Vladivostok in the far east. ?
Channel Bridge: And while we're at it, why stop at the southern coast? A bridge across the Channel would offer amazing views.
Commonwealth state: Charles is not just king of the UK, but head of the CommonwealthOfficially called the Commonwealth of Nations, it was set up in 1926. There are 54 members in all. It grew out of the British Empire and many members, although not all, were former British colonies. , a group of 56 states. All of these countries could work together more often.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Will Charles III make any difference?</strong></h5>
Yes! Charles III is known for his strong views. He will meet weekly with the prime minister and can make his ideas known.
No! Charles III knows it is important that it is the prime minister, whose party was voted in by the British people, that makes plans for the country, not him.
King's Speech - A speech by the British monarch outlining the UK government's plans for the year ahead.
parliament - An assembly of representatives, usually of an entire nation, that makes laws.
Government - The group of people who govern - or lead - the country.
Conservative party - A British political party. Members are known as Tories.
Century - 100 years.
Rewilding - Returning developed or farmed land to its natural state by reintroducing species that once lived there.
Species - A set of animals or plants with similar features. Members of the same species can breed with each other.
Orkney Islands - A group of Scottish islands. People live on 20 of the islands.
Trans-Siberian Railway - The longest railway line in the world, connecting Moscow in Russia's west to Vladivostok in the far east.
Commonwealth - Officially called the Commonwealth of Nations, it was set up in 1926. There are 54 members in all. It grew out of the British Empire and many members, although not all, were former British colonies.
Five big ideas NOT in the King’s Speech

King's Speech - A speech by the British monarch outlining the UK government's plans for the year ahead.
parliament - An assembly of representatives, usually of an entire nation, that makes laws.
Government - The group of people who govern - or lead - the country.
Conservative party - A British political party. Members are known as Tories.
Century - 100 years.
Rewilding - Returning developed or farmed land to its natural state by reintroducing species that once lived there.
Species - A set of animals or plants with similar features. Members of the same species can breed with each other.
Orkney Islands - A group of Scottish islands. People live on 20 of the islands.
Trans-Siberian Railway - The longest railway line in the world, connecting Moscow in Russia's west to Vladivostok in the far east.
Commonwealth - Officially called the Commonwealth of Nations, it was set up in 1926. There are 54 members in all. It grew out of the British Empire and many members, although not all, were former British colonies.