Does everybody deserve a second chance? Mason Greenwood is back on the football pitch, nearly two years after allegations of sexual misconduct and domestic abuse were made against him.
Fallen 'prodigy' given fresh start in Spain
Does everybody deserve a second chance? Mason Greenwood is back on the football pitch, nearly two years after allegations of sexual misconduct and domestic abuse were made against him.
Oscar Wilde once wrote that "the only difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future".
Critics often inveighProtest or strongly complain. against cancel culture, which can supposedly ruin a person's life with a few small words. But in recent years, a list of celebrities who have continued their careers despite serious allegations against them has been steadily growing. Like Roman Polanski, who admitted to raping a 14-year-old, and debuted his latest film at the Venice Film Festival this week to rapturousWith great happiness or enthusiasm. applause.
Or Louis C.K., the comedian who still performs to sold-out venues after multiple allegations of sexual assault and harassment. Or maybe Johnny Depp, accused of brutalisingTreating in a savage way. his ex-wife, who was recently given a record $20m (£16m) deal by the luxury brand Dior. In 2020, Depp lost a libel battle against The Sun newspaper, with a UK civil court finding that its allegations against Depp - that he was a "wife beater" - were "substantially true". Later, in a separate case, US jurors found that Depp's former wife Amber Heard had defamed him in a separate newspaper article, and also that Depp's lawyer had defamed Heard. The list goes on.
Perhaps we might add Mason Greenwood to the list. The young footballer has not played for Manchester United since he was accused of brutal abuse, sexual misconduct and coercionForcing someone to do something. It derives from a Latin verb meaning "to restrain". early last year. But now his football career is set to continue, not at Manchester United, but on seasonal loan to the prestigiousHighly respected. Spanish football club Getafe, where he will earn £75,000 per week.
In January last year, graphic photos and an audio file were shared online relating to the accusations against Greenwood. However, the footballer has not been found guilty in a court of law, since the charges against him were dropped in February. Nor have most people accused of rape or sexual misconduct: almost 70% of rape victims drop out of their cases before trial. In 2022, only 2% of rapes recorded by police even led to a charge, let alone a conviction.
In a statement, Greenwood said that he has to "fully accept I made mistakes". But he still denies all of the allegations against him.
Some depict him as a martyrA person who is killed due to their beliefs, especially their religious beliefs. deprived of his biggest dream by a simple mistake. Others see the case very differently.
Many argue that since Mason Greenwood is a role model for so many young boys and men, rehabilitatingRestore someone to health or normality. him may signal to them that sexual and domestic violence is defensible. And the link between football and domestic abuse should not be understated: studies have found that domestic abuse in England soars by up to 50% during the World Cup.
According to others, for as long as Greenwood has not been legally convicted, he should be allowed to keep playing. The court of public opinion, they say, should have nothing to do with it.
It also symbolises a broader public discordDisagreement. . For every person who rails against Greenwood being allowed to continue playing, another claims it would be a waste of his immense talent to let him go.
But talent also does not routinely play a role in criminal cases. A murderer is not rehabilitated for his performance in improvised jazz. A bank robber does not escape sentencing because of his astonishing athletic prowessSkill or talent in a particular area, such as music. . However, we accept that those who have been found innocent of crimes or faced a punishment should then be allowed back into society.
What chance do we have to improve as a society if we exile everyone who makes a mistake? For as long as we live, we can learn.
But, many ask, what incentive does Greenwood have to change his ways? Despite his nearly two year break from football, his career - and huge salary - are set to continue. And what use is a second chance if we have never been held accountable for the first?
Does everybody deserve a second chance?
Yes: The only punishment that can and should be enforced is one that comes as the result of a fair trial in a court of law. The court of public opinion should not be allowed to deprive Greenwood of a second chance - that is not how justice works.
No: You can have a second chance for a mistake like accidentally upsetting a friend, or forgetting about a parking ticket. But the accusations against Greenwood do not amount to a mistake. And he has still not faced the consequences of his actions.
Or... Second chances should come after some kind of accountability or punishment. If you get a second chance and you have never been held accountable for the first, you are just going to keep repeating the same mistakes.
Inveigh - Protest or strongly complain.
Rapturous - With great happiness or enthusiasm.
Brutalising - Treating in a savage way.
Coercion - Forcing someone to do something. It derives from a Latin verb meaning "to restrain".
Prestigious - Highly respected.
Martyr - A person who is killed due to their beliefs, especially their religious beliefs.
Rehabilitating - Restore someone to health or normality.
Discord - Disagreement.
Prowess - Skill or talent in a particular area, such as music.
Fallen ‘prodigy’ given fresh start in Spain
Inveigh - Protest or strongly complain.
Rapturous - With great happiness or enthusiasm.
Brutalising - Treating in a savage way.
Coercion - Forcing someone to do something. It derives from a Latin verb meaning "to restrain".
Prestigious - Highly respected.
Martyr - A person who is killed due to their beliefs, especially their religious beliefs.
Rehabilitating - Restore someone to health or normality.
Discord - Disagreement.
Prowess - Skill or talent in a particular area, such as music.