Could they save the world? Scientists have found the secret behind the whales' amazing songs.
Eureka! Mystery of how whales sing is solved
Could they save the world? Scientists have found the secret behind the whales' amazing songs.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
Sailors used to think that the songs that came up from the seas were made by ghosts or mythicalNot real. Made up in stories or legends. sea creatures. It seemed that the songs must be a kind of magic rising through the waves.
In fact, we have known for a long time now that whales make these songs. But we have not known how.
Now, scientists have unlocked the mystery and worked out how whales sing.
Research shows that humpbacks and other baleen whalesBaleen whales have baleen in their mouths, which act like big sieves to filter food from water. have a "voice box" which lets them sing underwater.
Scientists say humpback whales can spread their song from one group of whales to another for thousands of miles across the ocean.
Whale language is not simple. The whales make short sounds, called units, which added together make phrases. The phrases then join together to make themes. And several themes make up a whale song.
Nobody knows for sure why so many species of whale sing in the dark depths. Many scientists believe that their music is meant to attract female mates for the male.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
Some say we have a lot in common with the whale. They connect us to the power of music, and teach us to remember beauty. If they could talk, they might remind us to return to a simple life: living and singing together in groups and letting the sunlight hit our skin.
Could they save the world?
Yes! Whales remind us of everything that is important: peace, beauty, music, working together and the simple life. If we listened to them, we could save the world.
No! Whale song is nice to listen to, but it does not really mean anything to us. We should not overthink it.
Mythical - Not real. Made up in stories or legends.
Baleen whales - Baleen whales have baleen in their mouths, which act like big sieves to filter food from water.
Eureka! Mystery of how whales sing is solved

Mythical - Not real. Made up in stories or legends.
Baleen whales - Baleen whales have baleen in their mouths, which act like big sieves to filter food from water.