When Cathy Earnshaw’s father brings a wild, angry child named Heathcliff to live with his family in Yorkshire, one of literature’s most powerful love stories begins. The intense, destructive romance between Cathy and Heathcliff consumes the two families living on the moors, as well as the generation that follows. Emily Brontë’s passionate novel Wuthering Heights is alive with revenge, violence and ghostly spirits, which have haunted readers’ imaginations for more than 150 years.
Wuthering Heights
When Cathy Earnshaw's father brings a wild, angry child named Heathcliff to live with his family in Yorkshire, one of literature's most powerful love stories begins. The intense, destructive romance between Cathy and Heathcliff consumes the two families living on the moors, as well as the generation that follows. Emily Bronte's passionate novel Wuthering Heights is alive with revenge, violence and ghostly spirits, which have haunted readers' imaginations for more than 150 years.
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Yorkshire's moors are almost a character in their own right. Cathy and Heathcliff are both trapped by the social conventions between the walls of their homes, but the wild countryside represents the freedom and passion they yearn for. To others, it is a treacherousDangerous., dangerous wasteland.
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Do cameras prevent us from seeing things properly? Teenage sensation Dara McAnulty published his second wildlife book, encouraging people to reconnect with the world around them.
Not even the wildest regions of England's landscapes can escape strict Victorian class structures. Heathcliff, who has no family and no surname, cannot marry Cathy until he returns to the moors with his own mysterious wealth - and by that time, she has been lured into the more refined world of Thrushcross Grange.
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If it is love that ignites the story of Cathy and Heathcliff, revenge is the force which drives it to its end. Once Cathy is dead, Heathcliff is determined to punish those who have wronged him. Revenge is a basic human desire - does it still play a part in the conflicts we see today?
Is revenge always wrong? Boris Johnson's former right-hand man demolished the government's pandemic failures, highlighting both tragedy and farce in a marathon of score-settling.
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<h2 class="eplus-39x7a9 wp-block-heading has-black-color has-text-color eplus-wrapper">'You are here to tell our stories' said the oak </h2>
There is something otherworldly about Wuthering Heights from the very beginning - even the outsider Lockwood is haunted by Cathy's ghost, and Heathcliff is frequently described as a vampire, Satan and an "imp". Yet Victorian England was a golden age of science, reason and innovation, not unlike our own. Is this contrast what makes stories about the supernatural so compelling?
Are omens useful? As the queen of the ravens vanishes, a prophecy foretells the end of the United Kingdom. Some call this fantasy, but others say there is wisdom in listening to the birds.
The newest member of the European Parliament is an expert on aliens, man-apes, hauntings, sea-serpents, lake monsters, predictions and curses. Should we all learn more about the paranormal?
Could ghosts really exist? A new book tells the true story of a suburban housewife in the 1930s whose extraordinary experiences obsessed the public and baffled expert ghost-hunters.
Wuthering Heights explores a variety of kinds of love. This includes Heathcliff and Cathy's all-consuming passion for each other, which while noble in its purity is also terribly destructive. In contrast, the love between Cathy and Edgar is proper and civilised rather than passionate. Theirs is a love of peace and comfort, a socially acceptable love, but it can't stand in the way of Heathcliff and Catherine's more profound connection.
Shouldn't New Year's Day be on the first day of spring? After all, it is the season of new beginnings - and is proven to be a time when we are generally happier and at our most energetic.
But wait! Is it wrong to be happy? If you look beneath the surface, there are many reasons why this is a wonderful time to be alive.
Is Hunter Biden brave to publish his life story? The book describes his battle against addiction and the role of his father Joe Biden in putting his life back on track.
Treacherous - Dangerous.
Wuthering Heights

Treacherous - Dangerous.