William Shakespeare's shortest, bloodiest tragedy, Macbeth, is a good starting point for those unfamiliar with the Bard's works. It follows the hero of the title, a Scottish general, as he schemes to become king of Scotland — encouraged by his wife, the manipulative Lady Macbeth. The play is not an easy ride: it is relentlessly dark, packing murder, madness and marital breakdown into its compact size. Yet it is one of Shakespeare's most enduringly popular plays — filming began on a new adaptation, starring Denzel Washington, until Covid-19 halted production.
William Shakespeare's shortest, bloodiest tragedy, Macbeth, is a good starting point for those unfamiliar with the Bard's works. It follows the hero of the title, a Scottish general, as he schemes to become king of Scotland - encouraged by his wife, the manipulative Lady Macbeth. The play is not an easy ride: it is relentlessly dark, packing murder, madness and marital breakdown into its compact size. Yet it is one of Shakespeare's most enduringly popular plays - filming began on a new adaptation, starring Denzel Washington, until Covid-19 halted production.
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Macbeth tells the classic story of how the greed for power corrupts. Having been told that absolute power is possible, Macbeth's greed begins to consume him and erode his moral compass. Where he begins as a humble soldier, he soon becomes an amoral and bloodthirsty traitor willing to stop at nothing to consolidate his rule. Likewise, Lady Macbeth's musings on ambition lead her to invoke dark spirits which will fill her with the cruelty she needs to assist her husband in his quest for power. Macbeth's greed for the throne also outweighs his practical considerations: each of his actions seems, to him, a means to an end, but once he has acquired power, maintaining his position as King still requires constant violence, oppression and elimination of threat.
Is Philip Green a villain or a scapegoat? The Topshop boss came under fire for living it up while his employees lost their jobs - but isn't a rotten society just as much to blame as he is?
Is capitalism broken? As experts digest the warnings of billionaire investor Warren Buffett, many are wondering if the system that dominates the globe is working for everyone.
Should we stop buying toys? As parents stocked up for Christmas, psychologists claimed that toys might not be good for us after all. Some say we should play with everyday objects instead.
Fate and free will are in careful balance in Macbeth. From the moment the Witches prophesise of Macbeth's future power, he feels himself controlled by fate and not complicitTo be involved with others in an unlawful or morally wrong activity. in the actions he takes to bring it about. He feels that fate has dictated his evil actions, and that he is no longer responsible for them, despite the fact that he still has free will. He says in the first Act that "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me/Without my stir", but, impatient for the prophecy to come about, he decides to bring it into his own hands. The play makes it clear that free will and fate are not in conflict, and that fate does not remove agency. Rather, where fate dictates what will come to pass, how it comes to pass is decided by choice and free will.
Can free will exist if the future is known in advance? The world's most powerful spy software company is launching a tool that can use phones to alert police of future crimes.
Is too much choice stressful? Most people want to be free to do whatever they like, but some philosophers argue that this is impossible and would be a recipe for unhappiness.
Is free will an illusion? The argument that we have no real choice has scientific support but outrages some, who feel it robs their lives of meaning.
Neither Macbeth nor Lady Macbeth are born or natural murderers, and both at the start deeply want to avoid senseless murder. They have to force a separation from their own humanity in order to kill and conspire to kill, and the act of murder corrupts their souls. The erosion of Macbeth's conscience can be tracked: having killed Duncan, he fears that he will never sleep again, but his later massacre of Macduff's unprotected wife and children signals his descent into pure, amoral tyrannyCruel and aggressive use of power, often used to describe countries under the grip of a single oppressive leader..
Will it be a turning point for America? The trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd prompted discussion about whether the US can start to heal its racial divisions.
What lies behind our fascination with true crime? Is it fear? Swedish police have just called a halt to a long-running murder investigation which drove amateur sleuths to the point of madness.
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Today, female characters can be bold, brave and strong - but what about violent? Killing Eve, which dominated the BAFTAs, is a story of complex women who are as bloodthirsty as any man.
Though Macbeth sees the throne of medieval Scotland as his divine right due to the prophecy of the witches, his rule brings nothing less than chaos. From the beginning, his seat on the throne portends a calamitousDisastrous. future, as the land is plagued with bad weather and unexplainable, potentially supernatural occurrences before and after he ascends. And where Duncan tends to be referred to as the King, Macbeth never earns this title and is continuously referred to as a tyrant presiding over a reign of terror, a reputation solidified when he begins to murder children to consolidate his rule. These factors suggest that Macbeth's despoticTyrannical or using unlimited power over others in a cruel way. rule throws Scotland into hopeless tyranny. Yet King Duncan's reign did not seem peaceful either: Macbeth's military heroics imply that Scotland has had a long spell of violent conflict which may hint to a long line of tyrannical kings.
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Guilt manifests itself in a range of ways in Macbeth. Most famously, Macbeth is haunted by Banquo's ghost, which only he can see, at a feast. Becoming deranged, he shouts "hence, horrible shadow! Unreal mockery, hence!". Lady Macbeth also suffers hallucinations and all-consuming guilt, which eventually send her mad and cause her suicide. The deeply stirring effects that guilt has on the couple suggest that neither of them has entirely lost their humanity, even by the play's conclusion.
Is it justice to punish a 93-year-old man for a crime committed 75 years ago? Bruno Dey has been convicted for his part in the killing of over 5,000 prisoners in a Nazi death camp.
Could a range of options be more just? The dual-verdict system of "guilty" or "not guilty" is seen as a pillar of many legal systems. But some say we need a new formula for the modern world.
Are Christmas presents a waste? "Black Friday" today and "Cyber Monday" mark the start of a huge spending spree in rich countries - big enough to end world hunger for the next eight years.
Complicit - To be involved with others in an unlawful or morally wrong activity.
Tyranny - Cruel and aggressive use of power, often used to describe countries under the grip of a single oppressive leader.
Calamitous - Disastrous.
Despotic - Tyrannical or using unlimited power over others in a cruel way.

Complicit - To be involved with others in an unlawful or morally wrong activity.
Tyranny - Cruel and aggressive use of power, often used to describe countries under the grip of a single oppressive leader.
Calamitous - Disastrous.
Despotic - Tyrannical or using unlimited power over others in a cruel way.