All My Sons, penned by the great mid-century American playwright Arthur Miller, is a reflection on the costs, and ultimate futility, of avoiding responsibility for one’s actions. Set one year after the conclusion of World War Two, the play tells the story of the Kellers, a prosperous but typical American middle-class family, and the lengths that they go to in order to conceal a lie hidden at the centre of their existence. Miller gradually reveals that Joe Keller, the father, had knowingly shipped faulty machine parts to the US military during the war, but avoided responsibility by pinning the blame on his business partner. As the deception unravels over the course of the play, each member of the family is forced to confront their role in having maintained it, and to decide whether and how they will now take responsibility for their actions.
All My Sons
All My Sons, penned by the great mid-century American playwright Arthur Miller, is a reflection on the costs, and ultimate futility, of avoiding responsibility for one's actions. Set one year after the conclusion of World War Two, the play tells the story of the Kellers, a prosperous but typical American middle-class family, and the lengths that they go to in order to conceal a lie hidden at the centre of their existence. Miller gradually reveals that Joe Keller, the father, had knowingly shipped faulty machine parts to the US military during the war, but avoided responsibility by pinning the blame on his business partner. As the deception unravels over the course of the play, each member of the family is forced to confront their role in having maintained it, and to decide whether and how they will now take responsibility for their actions.
'Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty'
Joe avoided taking responsibility for selling the faulty fighter plane parts by pinning the blame on his business partner, but eventually he must face up to his role in the deaths of 21 American pilots - one of whom, in theory, could have been his son Larry, who went missing in action during the war. Miller thus addresses the theme of social as well as personal responsibility - whether or not Joe is to blame for his son's death, by knowingly selling the faulty parts, he is responsible for somebody's son's death. Joe is ultimately never able to bring himself to accept responsibility, culminating in a decision to take his own life rather than face accountability.
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Kate Keller, who is referred to only as "Mother" in the stage notes, knows of her husband's crime and grasps the implication that his actions were, indirectly, responsible for Larry's death. She initially avoids responsibility for her complicity in concealing the crime by engaging in the self-delusion that Larry is still alive. This involves indulging in horoscopesA forecast of someone's future based upon the positions of the stars and planets at the time of their birth. and superstitiously reading meaning into natural events. By appealing to forces outside of human control, she is able to avoid taking personal responsibility. However, towards the end of the play, Kate liberates herself from self-deception by facing up to her responsibility.
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Joe defends himself by claiming to have been acting only in the interests of his family. The Kellers have risen to attain a comfortable middle-class socio-economic status and would have been financially ruined if he had admitted to his crime and gone to jail. Joe claims that nothing done in the interests of one's family can ever be wrong. He is outraged when his surviving son Chris suggests that he might prioritise his relationship with Annie Deever over the family. It becomes clear over the course of the play that Joe's obsession with the family is part the elaborate belief structure that he has created to avoid the acceptance of responsibility.
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By pinning responsibility on his business partner, Joe Keller had been able to take full control of the business, suggesting that he was motivated by personal enrichment rather than just the goal of saving his family from bankruptcy. Miller thus suggests that Joe Keller, like Kate, is engaging in self-deception by claiming to be acting for the family. Joe also defends himself by insisting that everyone was profiteering during the war. Miller therefore uses the play to question the morality of private profit, a theme that would recur in his later works.
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The characters in this play who avoid the pitfalls of self-deception and accept reality are invariably presented in a more favourable light than those who lie and deceive to avoid taking responsibility. Ann Deever, who had been in a relationship with Larry, has accepted his death and unlike the Kellers is straightforward and honest about this in her conversations with Kate. The value of honesty can also be seen in Kate's narrative. Early in the play, she pledges to take her own life if Larry is confirmed dead, but as she ultimately confronts her self-deception and accepts responsibility, this fate instead falls to Joe, who had never been able to do so. Miller thus presents honesty - to oneself as well as to society - as key to achieving the good life.
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Horoscopes - A forecast of someone's future based upon the positions of the stars and planets at the time of their birth.
All My Sons
Horoscopes - A forecast of someone's future based upon the positions of the stars and planets at the time of their birth.