Is this a step too far with AI? Sir Michael Parkinson was Britain’s top chat-show host. Now new technology has been used to re-create his voice and interviewing style.
Dead TV star 'interviews' new guests
Is this a step too far with AI? Sir Michael Parkinson was Britain's top chat-show host. Now new technology has been used to re-create his voice and interviewing style.
It was a classic TV moment. Michael Parkinson was interviewing the comedian Rod Hull, who arrived with his glove puppet Emu. But as they talked, Emu seemed to take on a life of his own. It ended with the puppet wrestling Parkinson to the floor.
Sir Michael interviewed many of the most famous people in the world. When he died last year, everyone assumed that the interviews were over. But his son Mike had other ideas.
Mike set up a YouTube channel devoted to his father's old interviews. Then he met two AIA computer programme that has been designed to think. experts, Ben Field and Jamie Anderson.
"They suggested doing something really bold instead: 'Why don't we let him interview the next generation of talents that he would have been fascinated by?'"1
They have now made a podcast called Virtually Parkinson. On it real people are interviewed as if by Sir Michael.
The voice is reproduced so accurately that the questions sound as if they are coming from Sir Michael. But they also seem to be thought up by him.
In fact they are produced by AI which has been trained on his style and interview questions.
Mike insists that his father would have approved of the project: "It's a wonderful way of extending the life of someone who was an outlier and a unique talent of his generation."
This is not the only example of people offering tech contact with the dead. A Chinese company has started creating avatarsA figure representing a specific person in a video game or online world. to be beamed onto TV screens at funerals.
They imitate a person's appearance and voice and are also programmed to talk about their memories.
The 2020 South Korean documentary Meeting You showed a mother being reunited with her dead daughter through VRVirtual reality. A simulation of a 3D environment. It can be interacted with in a way that feels real. technology. The Guardian review described it as "both moving and manipulativeTrying to influence or control another person in a way that benefits yourself. ".
On a more basic level, people have used ChatGPTAn Artificial Intelligence chatbot released in November 2022. to have "conversations" with their dead loved ones.
Is this a step too far with AI?
Yes: The dead should be allowed to rest in peace. Sir Michael is being turned into a commercial gimmickA publicity stunt to attract attention., and the series is just as likely to damage his reputation as it is to keep it alive.
No: It is no different from actors playing dead people and bringing them back to life on screen or stage. This kind of technology can be a great consolation to people who have lost loved ones.
Or... People have always wanted to contact the dead and this is infinitely preferable to a ouija boardA flat board marked with letters, numbers and words which was once a popular way to "communicate" with the dead during seances. . The great poet WB Yeats wrote some amazing poetry which he believed was inspired by spirits.
AI - A computer programme that has been designed to think.
Avatars - A figure representing a specific person in a video game or online world.
VR - Virtual reality. A simulation of a 3D environment. It can be interacted with in a way that feels real.
Manipulative - Trying to influence or control another person in a way that benefits yourself.
ChatGPT - An Artificial Intelligence chatbot released in November 2022.
Gimmick - A publicity stunt to attract attention.
Ouija board - A flat board marked with letters, numbers and words which was once a popular way to "communicate" with the dead during seances.
Dead TV star ‘interviews’ new guests

AI - A computer programme that has been designed to think.
Avatars - A figure representing a specific person in a video game or online world.
VR - Virtual reality. A simulation of a 3D environment. It can be interacted with in a way that feels real.
Manipulative - Trying to influence or control another person in a way that benefits yourself.
ChatGPT - An Artificial Intelligence chatbot released in November 2022.
Gimmick - A publicity stunt to attract attention.
Ouija board - A flat board marked with letters, numbers and words which was once a popular way to "communicate" with the dead during seances.