Do young people’s views matter? A new survey has found the vast majority of people under 18 do not feel they are listened to. Some think it is time to give them their own voice.
'Children's ideas should be part of election'
Do young people's views matter? A new survey has found the vast majority of people under 18 do not feel they are listened to. Some think it is time to give them their own voice.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Power to the people</h2>
Would you call a country where more than a fifth of people cannot vote a "democracyA system of government based on the idea of rule by the people."? If not, bad news: you might not be living in a democratic country after all.
In the UK, 21% of people are under 18, the voting age.1 That means they have no say in how the country is run.
It is something one person is trying to change. Children's CommissionerA public official in England responsible for protecting the rights of children as set out in UN conventions and other human rights' conventions. Dame Rachel de Souza sent a survey called the Big Ambition to 22,500 schools across England to find out what they really think.2
Unsurprisingly, 78% said they are not being listened to by those who run the country.
That is why some think the time has come for young people should have their own role in public life.
We probably do not want to go back to the days when children worked on farms or in factories. But it is worth reflecting on whether we have swung too far towards treating them differently from adults, especially in political matters.
These days we exclude children from elections on the basis that they do not know enough about national affairs to be trusted with a vote.
But, some point out, we do not apply this principle to adults. Adults who know next to nothing about the world are still encouraged to vote.
We tend to say instead that all adults should get the vote because they are affected by government decisions and so they should have a say. But children are also affected by these decisions, in fact even more so, as they spend most of their time in government institutions.
Even if we do not allow children to vote, they say, it is a bad sign that they do not feel their voices are being heard. In just a few years, they will be able to cast a ballot.
But if they are already disillusionedDisappointed after finding out something is less good than you once thought. with the political system before they even start, they might never bother to turn out - or they might vote for anyone who wants to shake up the system.
Do young people's views matter?
Yes: Young people have an interest in the way the country is run. Few are as deeply affected as they are by government decisions. They should have the right to make their voice heard.
No: Children are already represented in the political sphere by their parents. They have not gained the knowledge and maturity needed to make sensible decisions in the national interest.
Or... Democracy does not exist because we think it is nice for people to be able to vote, but because if they cannot vote, they will riot. We should be wary of giving young people no way of venting their grievancesThings that you want to complain about. .
Democracy - A system of government based on the idea of rule by the people.
Children's Commissioner - A public official in England responsible for protecting the rights of children as set out in UN conventions and other human rights' conventions.
Disillusioned - Disappointed after finding out something is less good than you once thought.
Grievances - Things that you want to complain about.
‘Children’s ideas should be part of election’

Democracy - A system of government based on the idea of rule by the people.
Children's Commissioner - A public official in England responsible for protecting the rights of children as set out in UN conventions and other human rights' conventions.
Disillusioned - Disappointed after finding out something is less good than you once thought.
Grievances - Things that you want to complain about.