Bus stops become garden hotspots for nature

Are we selfish with space? New bus shelters around the world have been attracting bees and butterflies. Now, the UK is ready to join the movement.

Think of the perfect morning. It might involve a beach or a theme park, but probably not a wait at a bus stop. But this could soon change.

Across Europe, humble bus shelter roofs are being turned into vibrant, miniature gardens for bees and butterflies. Bees help plants to grow by moving pollen between plants.

The first bee stop appeared in Utrecht. Today, the city has 300 of them. Now there are plans to build more than 1000 of these nature shelters during the next year across
the UK and even in other parts of the world.

“We want to do it in as many cities in the UK as possible,” said Louise Stubbings, creative director at Clear Channel UK. “We’d like to do them everywhere, the positive effects are incredible,” added Stubbings.

Utrecht has created a “no roofs unused” policy, so that every roof must be planted. As a result, bee populations have stabilised throughout the Netherlands.