To celebrate World Book Day, we asked students to write reviews of the books they had been reading recently. We had over 50 entries from dozens of schools. Here are our favourites. For reasons of confidentiality, we have not published the names of the reviewers.

The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon
Review: In my opinion, The Bone Sparrow has a very important message and tells the story of a refugee. The author really illustrates the bleakness of the refugee camp and demonstrated the sadness everybody would go through day-to-day. However, Subhi never really dwells on the situations he is put in, he creates a sense of hope and brightens up the book. He uses his imagination to escape from his problems as he has never really experienced what it is like to be free. Eli always sneaks Subhi extra stuff like spare underwear or toothpaste, he even gave him one of the 14 pairs of shoes there were in the whole camp. Although sometimes the structure of the book could get a bit confusing as it changes between Jimmie and Subhi’s perspective, I really enjoyed reading about both Subhi and Jimmie. In summary, I loved reading this book and it really hooked me.