Is spying wrong? The discovery of a Chinese spy at the very heart of British politics is causing consternationA feeling of shock or confusion. It derives from a Latin verb meaning to alarm or dismay.. But some say it is the price we must pay for global security.
Britain poised to unmask Chinese spy network
Is spying wrong? The discovery of a Chinese spy at the very heart of British politics is causing consternationA feeling of shock or confusion. It derives from a Latin verb meaning to alarm or dismay.. But some say it is the price we must pay for global security.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
The news shocked politiciansSomeone whose job it is to be involved in running a country. Politicians try to persuade people they have the best ideas to run the country. from all around the UK.
The police have arrestedStopped by the police and taken to a police station. a man who worked at the Palace of WestminsterWhere the UK's House of Commons and House of Lords meet. . They say they think the parliamentary aideAssistants to officials and politicians in parliament. is a Chinese spyPolitico Magazine says that when Vladimir Putin first arrived in Dresden as a mid-level KGB officer in 1985, he was in charge of handling anti-Western terrorists..
Some think it is silly to be so shocked. They say everyone knows that countries spy on each other.
Spies recruitPersuade someone to take a job or join a group. agents in other countries and watch people they are worried about in their own countries. And these days, a lot of spying takes place online.
Spies, say some, are just trying to keep ordinary people safe.
But others say spies often are not trying to do good. Some spies have actually put people in harm's way. Agents often recruitPersuade someone to take a job or join a group. ordinary people to spy for them. If these people are found out, bad things can happen to them.
Yes! We should all want to live in an honest and open world. Spying is wrong. And it puts ordinary people in danger.
No! Most spies are just trying to keep people safe. We need to know what other countries are doing so that we can react to any situation.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Consternation - A feeling of shock or confusion. It derives from a Latin verb meaning to alarm or dismay.
Politicians - Someone whose job it is to be involved in running a country. Politicians try to persuade people they have the best ideas to run the country.
Arrested - Stopped by the police and taken to a police station.
Palace of Westminster - Where the UK's House of Commons and House of Lords meet.
Parliamentary aide - Assistants to officials and politicians in parliament.
Spy - Politico Magazine says that when Vladimir Putin first arrived in Dresden as a mid-level KGB officer in 1985, he was in charge of handling anti-Western terrorists.
Recruit - Persuade someone to take a job or join a group.
Britain poised to unmask Chinese spy network

Consternation - A feeling of shock or confusion. It derives from a Latin verb meaning to alarm or dismay.
Politicians - Someone whose job it is to be involved in running a country. Politicians try to persuade people they have the best ideas to run the country.
Arrested - Stopped by the police and taken to a police station.
Palace of Westminster - Where the UK's House of Commons and House of Lords meet.
Parliamentary aide - Assistants to officials and politicians in parliament.
Spy - Politico Magazine says that when Vladimir Putin first arrived in Dresden as a mid-level KGB officer in 1985, he was in charge of handling anti-Western terrorists.
Recruit - Persuade someone to take a job or join a group.