Is jellyfish intelligence a superpower? They do not have any brains. But scientists think that jellies might be much more clever than we think.
Behold the misunderstood genius of the sea
Is jellyfish intelligence a superpower? They do not have any brains. But scientists think that jellies might be much more clever than we think.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
Jellyfish do not get a lot of good headlines. They knock out power plantsPower stations, where electricity is generated for people to use. , shut beaches, sink boats and wipe out fish farms.
They have no brains. But now scientists have found the Caribbean box jellyfish is smarter than it looks. It can learn to spot and avoidKeep away from something. things that get in its way.
Sea jellies have existed for over 500 million years. Some can do amazing things. They can make copies of themselves to create huge jelly blooms. And one species called the immortalLives forever. jellyfish can, in theory, live forever.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
Some have deadly weapons. The Australian box jellyfish is the most venomousPoisonous. animal in the sea.
Are they clever? They can learn, remember, and use their 24 eyes and hair-trigger sting cells to hunt their preyAnimals hunted and eaten by others. - very good for an animal that is 95% water.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Is jellyfish intelligence a superpower?</strong></h5>
Yes! Jellyfish can learn without a mind. They have stayed alive for millions of years by keeping things simple. We should see if we can learn any lessons from them.
No! Jellyfish are not much more clever than other animals. But in the past, we have been too quick to say that humans are the only animals that can do amazing things.
Power plants - Power stations, where electricity is generated for people to use.
Avoid - Keep away from something.
Immortal - Lives forever.
Venomous - Poisonous.
Prey - Animals hunted and eaten by others.
Behold the misunderstood genius of the sea
Power plants - Power stations, where electricity is generated for people to use.
Avoid - Keep away from something.
Immortal - Lives forever.
Venomous - Poisonous.
Prey - Animals hunted and eaten by others.