Should we take this seriously? The videos look like something from a science fiction story. But some say we should take aliens more seriously.
'Alien corpses' presented to Mexican congress
Should we take this seriously? The videos look like something from a science fiction story. But some say we should take aliens more seriously.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
Two tiny bodies with three-fingered hands and strange heads. Jaime Maussan, a Mexican man who looks for UFOsUnidentified Flying Objects, says these are the bodies of aliens. He thinks they are proofSomething that shows something else is true. we are not alone in the universeEverything. Including all of time and space and its contents. .
There are many people who do not believe him. Maussan has made claims about aliens in the past that were not true. A scientist from NasaThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme., David Spergel, says he should give the "alien bodies" to other scientists to look at.
Spergel is one of a group of scientists who made an official report on UFOs. There have been lots of sightings in the USA. But Nasa could not find any proof of aliens.
However, Nasa boss Bill Nelson says they are taking aliens "seriously".
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper"><strong>Find out more</strong> </h2>
Many believe there is something out there. The UFO-spotting craze began in 1947 when US pilot Kenneth Arnold saw the first "flying saucer". Today, over 100 million Americans think aliens have visited Earth.
People once laughed at UFO-spotters. But today, Nasa asks ordinary people to use a phone app to record sightings.
So scientists want to see if these "alien corpsesBodies." are real. If so, it would be a very important moment in humankind's history.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Should we take this seriously?</strong></h5>
Yes! The universe is a huge place. We still know so little about it. Anything is possible, so we should take any alien sighting seriously until we know for sure it is not true.
No! This is not science. Jaime Maussan has found "aliens" before. Serious science involves sharing the proof you have and letting other people look at it.
UFOs - Unidentified Flying Objects
Proof - Something that shows something else is true.
Universe - Everything. Including all of time and space and its contents.
Nasa - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme.
Corpses - Bodies.
‘Alien corpses’ presented to Mexican congress

UFOs - Unidentified Flying Objects
Proof - Something that shows something else is true.
Universe - Everything. Including all of time and space and its contents.
Nasa - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme.
Corpses - Bodies.