Can we end this nightmare in one generation? Experts think that child marriage could rise as we face a global climate crisis. Three of the world’s most powerful women want to make sure it does not happen.
40m girls face forced child marriage by 2050
Can we end this nightmare in one generation? Experts think that child marriage could rise as we face a global climate crisis. Three of the world's most powerful women want to make sure it does not happen.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
"I told them I would rather die than live with this man," said one 15-year-old from EthiopiaA landlocked country in Africa. With a population of about 120 million, Ethiopia represents a melting pot of ancient cultures.. She was forced to marry an older man after her family lost their home to droughtA time when there is not enough water and the ground is very dry. .
The UNUnited Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security. estimatesA guess or prediction based on facts. that 640 million girls and women who are alive today were married before the age of 18. Today, around 12 million girls and teens are becoming brides each year.
Girls who marry before the age of 18 are more likely to experience violence in the home and less likely to finish school. They often end up with less money and worse health than girls who marry after the age of 18.
A recent UnicefA UN agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. report found that it could take 300 years to end child marriage. And new research suggests that 40 million girls could be forced into child marriage by 2050 due to the climate crisisAs humans release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (such as by burning fossil fuels), this slowly raises the Earth's average temperature. In addition to global warming, this also makes extreme weather more likely. .
The link between climate change and child marriage may not be easy to see. But girls are often sold into marriage by poor families trying to afford food and other basic supplies.
As climate change worsens and more families are pushed below the poverty line, the number of forced marriages is expected to surge.
There is hope. Three of the world's most powerful women - Michelle Obama, Amal ClooneyA lawyer who specialises in human rights. and Melinda French GatesAn American philanthropist. She is the ex-wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. - are working together to solve the problem.
Some think the answer could be simple - making sure that girls stay in schools and families have enough money to support their daughters. Others say this is not an easy goal at all.
Can we end this nightmare in one generation?
Yes! With the right laws and the right support for families, child marriage could end very soon. We know what girls need to stay in school.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
No! There are many reasons for child marriage. It is not all about money. It will take a long time to change people's minds around the world. And helping out families with money is not easy anyway.
Ethiopia - A landlocked country in Africa. With a population of about 120 million, Ethiopia represents a melting pot of ancient cultures.
Drought - A time when there is not enough water and the ground is very dry.
UN - United Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security.
Estimates - A guess or prediction based on facts.
UNICEF - A UN agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.
Climate crisis - As humans release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (such as by burning fossil fuels), this slowly raises the Earth's average temperature. In addition to global warming, this also makes extreme weather more likely.
Amal Clooney - A lawyer who specialises in human rights.
Melinda French Gates - An American philanthropist. She is the ex-wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
40m girls face forced child marriage by 2050

Ethiopia - A landlocked country in Africa. With a population of about 120 million, Ethiopia represents a melting pot of ancient cultures.
Drought - A time when there is not enough water and the ground is very dry.
UN - United Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security.
Estimates - A guess or prediction based on facts.
UNICEF - A UN agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.
Climate crisis - As humans release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (such as by burning fossil fuels), this slowly raises the Earth's average temperature. In addition to global warming, this also makes extreme weather more likely.
Amal Clooney - A lawyer who specialises in human rights.
Melinda French Gates - An American philanthropist. She is the ex-wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.