Are all celebrities totally weird? Gwyneth Paltrow’s appearance in a US courtroom has been fascinating — for reasons that have nothing to do with justice.
Why the Gwyneth Paltrow ski trial is great TV
Are all celebrities totally weird? Gwyneth Paltrow's appearance in a US courtroom has been fascinating - for reasons that have nothing to do with justice.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Crash! The two skiers hit into each other. The man and woman fell into the snow.
It could have been a normal accident - if the woman was not Gwyneth PaltrowAn American actress and businesswoman, known today for her lifestyle brand. , one of the world's most famous actresses.
The man is called Terry Sanderson. He says that Gwyneth Paltrow skied into him, hurting him. He is suingStart a legal case against someone to make them pay you. her for £245,000. But Paltrow says that it was Sanderson, not her, that caused the accident.
Now, they are arguing about it in courtA place where matters of the law are decided by judges or juries. - and all around the world, people are watching it on TV.
There is no doubt: so far, it has all been very weird. When she was asked how the accident had affected her, Paltrow said: "Well, I lost half a day's skiing."
Paltrow's lawyerSomeone whose job it is to give advice about the law or speak for someone in court. asked her how tall she is, and if she is friends with Taylor SwiftAn American singer and songwriter. .
And Terry Sanderson says that when he skis now, he has to wear an ugly red outfit.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
Yes! Nobody can be normal if millions of people watch every move they make. They forget what it is like to live a normal life.
No! Gwyneth Paltrow is much more weird than other celebrities. She runs a company selling a "Vampire Repellent" to deal with "bad vibes".
Gwyneth Paltrow - An American actress and businesswoman, known today for her lifestyle brand.
Suing - Start a legal case against someone to make them pay you.
Court - A place where matters of the law are decided by judges or juries.
Lawyer - Someone whose job it is to give advice about the law or speak for someone in court.
Taylor Swift - An American singer and songwriter.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Are all celebrities totally weird? </strong></h5>
Why the Gwyneth Paltrow ski trial is great TV
Gwyneth Paltrow - An American actress and businesswoman, known today for her lifestyle brand.
Suing - Start a legal case against someone to make them pay you.
Court - A place where matters of the law are decided by judges or juries.
Lawyer - Someone whose job it is to give advice about the law or speak for someone in court.
Taylor Swift - An American singer and songwriter.