Are all celebrities utterly and completely weird? Gwyneth Paltrow’s appearance in a US courtroom has been fascinating — for reasons that have nothing to do with justice.
Why the Gwyneth Paltrow ski trial is great TV
Are all celebrities utterly and completely weird? Gwyneth Paltrow's appearance in a US courtroom has been fascinating - for reasons that have nothing to do with justice.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="crosshead">Hare-brained fame?</h2>
Crash! The two skiers went slap-bang into each other. The man and the woman ended up in a heap. It could have been an ordinary accident - except that the woman was one of the world's most famous actresses.
The man, Terry Sanderson, claims that Gwyneth PaltrowAn American actress and businesswoman, known today for her lifestyle brand. skied into him, causing him brain damage. He wants £245,000 in damages.
Paltrow claims that he caused the accident by skiing into her from behind.
A witness says that Paltrow hit Sanderson. Then she skied away without checking whether he was all right.
But a ski instructor who went to help denies this - and says Sanderson apologised to Paltrow.
Sanderson claims that he is a changed man whose relationships have suffered. When Paltrow was asked about the effect on her, she said: "Well, I lost half a day's skiing."
Then there is the bizarre performance by Sanderson's lawyer, Kristin VanOrman. One of her questions was whether Paltrow is friends with Taylor Swift. Yes, said Paltrow, "but we don't talk very often".
VanOrman also asked about her height. When Paltrow said she was 5ft 10ins, VanOrman exclaimed: "I am so jealous! ... I have to wear four-inch heels just to make it 5ft 5!"
"They're very nice," said Paltrow.
The clothes are also being talked about. According to Alex Abad-Santos in Vox, Paltrow arrived in court dressed like "a glamorous ski assassinA person who murders someone for political or religious reasons. ". Sanderson admitted that he still skis, wearing an "ungodly-looking red fluorescent outfit".
Writing in The Independent, Clemence Michallon said that the trial "should not be interesting". What makes a difference is that it is on TV.
As a result, people can enjoy "gawkingStaring." at the case together. There is "the tantalising promise of unscripted moments from a famous party". A courtroom, she adds, "is a place tailored for conflict".
Yes: Nobody can be normal if they live their life in the public eye. Because they have little contact with ordinary people they lost touch with reality and live in a bubble with other celebrities.
No: The reason people are so fascinated by Gwyneth Paltrow is that she is in a league of her own. Among the products GoopA wellness and lifestyle brand and company founded by actress Gwyneth Paltrow. sells is Psychic Vampire Repellent, a "sprayable elixirA medicinal or magical potion. " to deal with "bad vibes."
Or... We are all weird in our own way, as Sanderson and VanOrman demonstrate - and there is no shame in that. Everyone should be encouraged to be as unusual as possible.
Gwyneth Paltrow - An American actress and businesswoman, known today for her lifestyle brand.
Assassin - A person who murders someone for political or religious reasons.
Gawking - Staring.
Goop - A wellness and lifestyle brand and company founded by actress Gwyneth Paltrow.
Elixir - A medicinal or magical potion.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Are all celebrities utterly and completely weird? </strong></h5>
Why the Gwyneth Paltrow ski trial is great TV

Gwyneth Paltrow - An American actress and businesswoman, known today for her lifestyle brand.
Assassin - A person who murders someone for political or religious reasons.
Gawking - Staring.
Goop - A wellness and lifestyle brand and company founded by actress Gwyneth Paltrow.
Elixir - A medicinal or magical potion.