Do ghosts really exist? Halloween is nearly upon us. Scientists may argue that ghosts are imaginary, but other thinkers have offered a more creative argument.
What philosophy says about spookiness
Do ghosts really exist? Halloween is nearly upon us. Scientists may argue that ghosts are imaginary, but other thinkers have offered a more creative argument.
Imagine spending the night in an old house. As you fall asleep, you hear fingertips scraping the door. But when you switch on the light, there is nobody around.
Many people believe in ghosts. But modern scientists do not think they exist. So what exactly is happening?
In the early 1900s, many important thinkers were interested in studying paranormalBeyond normal scientific understanding. events, such as ghostly hauntings.
For instance, the Cambridge philosopherA thinker who comes up with ideas about big questions in life. CD Broad argued that the human mind consists of a "physical" and a "psychic" factor. Your physical self ends with death, but your soul may stay behind.
Of course, other philosophers think life after death is impossible.
Most scientists today think that ghosts are caused by some kind of confusion: the brain over-thinking a natural event. Hauntings may be caused by griefVery great sadness, especially at the death of someone., or guilt or even loneliness.
People have believed in ghosts in many different cultures. Whether or not they exist, thinkers need a theoryAn idea that you have yet to prove. to explain why the idea is so common.
Do ghosts really exist?
Yes! People have always believed that something survives when our bodies die. This is a clear explanation for the thousands of ghost sightings throughout history.
No! Many philosophers think our minds die at the same time as our bodies. No ghost has ever been scientifically proven to exist. Ghost stories are just that - stories.
Paranormal - Beyond normal scientific understanding.
Philosopher - A thinker who comes up with ideas about big questions in life.
Grief - Very great sadness, especially at the death of someone.
Theory - An idea that you have yet to prove.
What philosophy says about spookiness

Paranormal - Beyond normal scientific understanding.
Philosopher - A thinker who comes up with ideas about big questions in life.
Grief - Very great sadness, especially at the death of someone.
Theory - An idea that you have yet to prove.