Does the Chinese zodiac contain important wisdom? If you were born in a Tiger Year, then you can celebrate today alongside Queen Elizabeth II, Lady Gaga and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Two billion celebrate Year of the Tiger
Does the Chinese zodiac contain important wisdom? If you were born in a Tiger Year, then you can celebrate today alongside Queen Elizabeth II, Lady Gaga and Leonardo DiCaprio.
<h5 id="does-the-chinese-zodiac-contain-important-wisdom" class=" eplus-wrapper">Does the Chinese zodiac contain important wisdom?</h5>
Yes: The Moon has an enormous influence on the Earth - affecting the height of tides, for instance - so it makes sense that our lives and personalities should be shaped by what happens in the heavens.
No: It is ridiculous to suppose that millions of people have similar personalities just because they happen to be born in the same year. You would be mad to let decisions be made for you by an astrologer.
Or... We can judge easily enough whether things that astrologers predict for us match our own experience, and in some cases they may. But we cannot possibly know about everyone who shares a zodiac sign.
Lantern festival - Some of the lanterns are designed to be launched into the sky for good luck.
Chinese - Other countries follow the same zodiac, with some variations in the details and the animals recognised.
Zodiac - The term derives from a Greek word for a sculpture of an animal.
Two billion celebrate Year of the Tiger
Lantern festival - Some of the lanterns are designed to be launched into the sky for good luck.
Chinese - Other countries follow the same zodiac, with some variations in the details and the animals recognised.
Zodiac - The term derives from a Greek word for a sculpture of an animal.