Have men trivialised the argument? In TikTok’s latest gender war, male and female gym-goers argue over who the real victims are in the world of fitness.
TikTok trend calls out harassment in gyms
Have men trivialised the argument? In TikTok's latest gender war, male and female gym-goers argue over who the real victims are in the world of fitness.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
The video is shocking. A woman in the USAThe United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million. lets a man into a gym. Soon he is chasing her around the gym, trying to attack her.
But she fights back. Soon she is able to call the police.
There is a new trend on TikTok. Videos of women showing examples of harassmentUnwanted attention that makes someone feel scared or upset. in gyms with the hashtag #GymCreep have millions of views.
But some of the clips have been strongly criticisedShow something's faults or problems.. Many say it is wrong to film people in gyms without them knowing. And some argue that the men shown in some videos are not trying to harass women.
Some male TikTokers have found many new followers with videos criticising the trend. The women called out in these videos often then receiveGet. lots of hateful messages.
Many fear that the trend is causing women to put falseUntrue or wrong. examples of harassment online. But others say the opposite is true, and now women are scared to share real examples of harassment.
Have men trivialised the argument?
Yes! Some male TikTokers are making it seem like all women's stories of harassment are false. This is not the case.
No! Making false claims about strangers is very serious. It is not men trivialisingMaking something seem unimportant or silly. the argument, but women who post claims which are exaggeratedMade to seem like more than reality. .
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Harassment - Unwanted attention that makes someone feel scared or upset.
Criticised - Show something's faults or problems.
Receive - Get.
False - Untrue or wrong.
Trivialising - Making something seem unimportant or silly.
Exaggerated - Made to seem like more than reality.
TikTok trend calls out harassment in gyms

USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Harassment - Unwanted attention that makes someone feel scared or upset.
Criticised - Show something's faults or problems.
Receive - Get.
False - Untrue or wrong.
Trivialising - Making something seem unimportant or silly.
Exaggerated - Made to seem like more than reality.