Is hope more powerful than solutions? “Renegade economist” Kate Raworth wants us to build an economy based on optimism for a healthier and happier world.
The woman forging a greener, more equal world
Is hope more powerful than solutions? "Renegade economist" Kate Raworth wants us to build an economy based on optimism for a healthier and happier world.
Two economists are walking when they see a frozen lake. The first economist says to the other, "I'll pay you £100 to dive in." The second economist takes the £100 and dives in. He then turns to the first: "I'll pay you £100 to come and join me." So the second economist dives in and snatches the £100 back.
As they walk home, the first economist looks at the second and remarks "I gave you £100 to dive in there, and then you gave me back the same £100 to dive in too. Was it all for nothing?"
"Not at all," replies the second economist indignantly. "We increased GDPShort for Gross Domestic Product, the measure of all the goods and services produced inside a country. by £200!"
Economists want economic growth, even if that growth is bad for us, and even though resources are finiteLimited in size or extent.. But in recent decades many have begun to question whether we can balance economic growth with sustainability.
For economist Kate Raworth, growth has not helped us at all. It has not improved our living standards or our wellbeing, and it has put our climate at risk.
Raworth asks us to imagine the economy as a ring doughnut. The hole in the middle is where people do not have enough of what they need, like food, clean water or access to healthcare. The outer edge of the doughnut is the limit of what our planet can handle without being destroyed, such as pollution or deforestation.
The goal is to live in the doughnut, in between the outer edge and the hole, where everyone has what they need without harming the planet.
Though Raworth acknowledges that her ideas are unorthodoxUnusual or unconventional. , she believes that all we need is a bit of hope. After all, she says, "sometimes the best form of protest is to propose something new".
Can hope alone create a better world? The government is set to reveal its first budget in the autumn, and few expect a radical programme on "social and ecological wellbeing." But should we accept anything less?
Is hope more powerful than solutions?
Yes! Sometimes the best solutions are the most intuitive, and we should prioritise a happier and healthier planet over endless growth.
No! Traditional economists believe that if the economy does not grow, millions or even billions might be plunged into poverty. Our standard of living relies on GDP growing at a reliable rate.
GDP - Short for Gross Domestic Product, the measure of all the goods and services produced inside a country.
Finite - Limited in size or extent.
Unorthodox - Unusual or unconventional.
The woman forging a greener, more equal world
GDP - Short for Gross Domestic Product, the measure of all the goods and services produced inside a country.
Finite - Limited in size or extent.
Unorthodox - Unusual or unconventional.