Does the royal row really matter? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have made a new TV series about the Royal Family. Some say we should not bother to talk about it when the world faces problems such as war and climate change.
The key questions raised by episode one
Does the royal row really matter? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have made a new TV series about the Royal Family. Some say we should not bother to talk about it when the world faces problems such as war and climate change.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Prince HarryThe second son of Britain's King Charles III. He decided to leave the UK to move to the USA in 2020. and his wife Meghan Markle released a new Netflix series about their split from the British Royal Family yesterday. It made headlines all around the world.
The couple have said many times that they faced racismPrejudice or discrimination due to a person's race or ethnicity. in Britain and that the Royals did not support them.
The new series, which tells Harry and Meghan's side of the story, raises key questions. They include: i) Is the Royal Family really racist? ii) Did the British media go too far when it criticised the couple? and iii) Are the couple still arguing with their relatives?
Some say it is important to talk about the series. They say it can help to start an important conversation on racism in Britain and around the world.
Others think it is a lot of fuss over a family argument, and we should be talking about how to solve things like war and climate changeLong-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change. instead.
Does the royal rowArgument. really matter?
Yes! This is more than just an argument. It is about things such as racism and harassmentUnwanted attention that makes someone feel scared or upset. . It is important to talk about it.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
No! The royal argument has gone too far. Harry and Meghan are a wealthy couple making even more money by talking about their famous relatives. We should talk about more important things.
Prince Harry - The second son of Britain's King Charles III. He decided to leave the UK to move to the USA in 2020.
Racism - Prejudice or discrimination due to a person's race or ethnicity.
Climate change - Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change.
Row - Argument.
Harassment - Unwanted attention that makes someone feel scared or upset.
The key questions raised by episode one

Prince Harry - The second son of Britain's King Charles III. He decided to leave the UK to move to the USA in 2020.
Racism - Prejudice or discrimination due to a person's race or ethnicity.
Climate change - Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change.
Row - Argument.
Harassment - Unwanted attention that makes someone feel scared or upset.