Are these the tactics of Adolf Hitler? Sunday saw a second attack on the heart of a major democracy by far-right agitators. Some fear a return to the dictatorships of the past.
The direct link from Trump to Brazil riots
Are these the tactics of Adolf Hitler? Sunday saw a second attack on the heart of a major democracy by far-right agitators. Some fear a return to the dictatorships of the past.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
The scenes outside Brazil's Congress building were chaotic. A huge crowd was trying to get inside.
The people in the crowd were supporters of Brazil's former leader Jair BolsonaroThe right wing Brazilian president from 2019 to 2022. , who lost a vote to run the country last year.
They wanted to put Bolsonaro back in power.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
The scenes reminded many people of 6 January 2021, when supporters of Donald Trump tried to stop Joe Biden from becoming the USA's presidentIn some countries, the leader is called the president..
Others say that both men are using the tactics of Adolf Hitler, the leader of NaziA German political party of the twentieth century, led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis controlled Germany from the early 1930s until the end of World War II. Germany. Hitler spoke out against journalists and accused them of lying. He ignored lawsRules that everyone must follow. that tried to stop him from becoming too powerful.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Are these the tactics of Adolf Hitler?</h5>
Yes! Like Hitler, Bolsonaro has a huge number of supporters who believe in everything he says. And he has tried to change his country's rules to stay in power.
No! Bolsonaro has left Brazil and is in the USA. He is not leading his supporters, but following them. And it is too extremeVery great, or beyond what is expected. to compare him to Hitler.
Jair Bolsonaro - The right wing Brazilian president from 2019 to 2022.
President - In some countries, the leader is called the president.
Nazi - A German political party of the twentieth century, led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis controlled Germany from the early 1930s until the end of World War II.
Laws - Rules that everyone must follow.
Extreme - Very great, or beyond what is expected.
The direct link from Trump to Brazil riots

Jair Bolsonaro - The right wing Brazilian president from 2019 to 2022.
President - In some countries, the leader is called the president.
Nazi - A German political party of the twentieth century, led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis controlled Germany from the early 1930s until the end of World War II.
Laws - Rules that everyone must follow.
Extreme - Very great, or beyond what is expected.