Can an autism diagnosis save a life? In a new TV show, reality star Christine McGuinness talks about how learning she has autism helped her understand herself.
The day that everything started to make sense
Can an autism diagnosis save a life? In a new TV show, reality star Christine McGuinness talks about how learning she has autism helped her understand herself.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
In most rooms, there is a lot going on. There are sounds, voices, lights, smells, colours and more. Your brain needs to remove all of these different things to focusThink about one thing clearly. on what you want to think about.
Many people with autism struggle to do this. It can make everyday life harder.
In a new show, TV star Christine McGuinness talks about finding out she has autism as an adult. She says it helped her "understand why I am the way I am".
Experts think around 1% of children have autism. More boys find out they have autism than girls - but scientists think this could be because girls mask signs of autism by copying others.
Christine McGuinness says that now she understands herself, she can find help in situationsWhat is going on or happening at a certain moment. she finds difficult. For example, she can now tell others she needs a "time-out" if she is feeling overwhelmedWhen something is too much, or almost too much, to cope with. .
Every person sees the world around them in a slightlyA little bit. different way. People with autism have the same feelings as others. But they can find it harder to show how they are feeling.
Today, more celebrities and well-known people are talking about autism, such as Greta ThunbergA teenage climate activist who inspired a mass environmental movement by schoolchildren in 2018, when she was just 15 years old. She has since spoken at the UN and been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize. and Olympic swimmer Jessica-Jane Applegate. They want other women and girls to feel happy talking about autism too.
Yes! Understanding who you are, or why you feel the way you feel, can help you to understand your life and find ways to deal with difficult situations. And it is good for everyone to understand that people have different strengths.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
No! It is not a diagnosis that saves a life. We need to build a better world where people understand and celebrateShow that something is important and do things to recognise that. differences, including differences in how we think.
Focus - Think about one thing clearly.
Situations - What is going on or happening at a certain moment.
Overwhelmed - When something is too much, or almost too much, to cope with.
Slightly - A little bit.
Greta Thunberg - A teenage climate activist who inspired a mass environmental movement by schoolchildren in 2018, when she was just 15 years old. She has since spoken at the UN and been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Diagnosis - The process of identifying a condition, injury or disease by looking for the signs and symptoms of that condition.
Celebrate - Show that something is important and do things to recognise that.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="question">Can an autism <strong class="glossary-tip">diagnosis<span class="tt" data-beeline-skip="true">The process of identifying a condition, injury or disease by looking for the signs and symptoms of that condition. </span></strong> save a life? </h5>
The day that everything started to make sense

Focus - Think about one thing clearly.
Situations - What is going on or happening at a certain moment.
Overwhelmed - When something is too much, or almost too much, to cope with.
Slightly - A little bit.
Greta Thunberg - A teenage climate activist who inspired a mass environmental movement by schoolchildren in 2018, when she was just 15 years old. She has since spoken at the UN and been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Diagnosis - The process of identifying a condition, injury or disease by looking for the signs and symptoms of that condition.
Celebrate - Show that something is important and do things to recognise that.