Should we be afraid of artificial intelligence? A new supercomputer can calculate many times faster than the human mind. Some fear the age of computer dominance is upon us.
The computer that leaves humans in the dust
Should we be afraid of artificial intelligence? A new supercomputer can calculate many times faster than the human mind. Some fear the age of computer dominance is upon us.
It is not much to look at. But it might change the world forever.
Frontier, a supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, has performed more than a quintillion calculations a second - a new record.
Researchers hope that Frontier's super-speed computing will open up a brave new worldA phrase from Shakespeare's play The Tempest which was used as the title of a dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley.. It might be able to simulate stars to explore, investigate the tiniest subatomic particlesThe minuscule pieces of matter that make up atoms. Scientists have discovered 36 so far., allow AI to treat disease - and even open up new energy sources.
It is also a new benchmark in the contest between human and computer intelligence. Neuroscientists estimate that our brains can perform about 10,000 trillion calculations per second. A remarkable number. But well short of what Frontier can do.
Over the past few decades, machines have steadily overtaken humans in various fields. They can be fed more information and access it in an instant. They have more memory than us. And unlike us, they do not get tired.
Computers have even beaten humans at our own games. In 1996, a computer called Deep Blue defeated chess champion Garry KasparovRussian chess champion who holds the record for most months as world no. 1. He is a vocal critic of Putin's Russia.. The world record for solving a Rubik's Cube is held by a robot. Chinese online retailer Alibaba has reportedly built an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can defeat humans at a reading comprehension test.
Many have worried that AI systems might one day grow so powerful that they take over the world. As far back as 1872, Victorian writer Samuel ButlerButler's Erewhon (1872) is often considered one of the first great science fiction novels. imagined super-smart robots turning their creators into "affectionate machine-tickling aphidsA type of tiny insect that lives by sucking the sap from plants. A common example is the greenfly.". Countless films, from 2001: A Space Odyssey to Terminator, envisage AI systems acting against their human creators.
These fears have left the realm of fiction. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak once said: "Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window." Frontier fills a whole room. It would take heavy machinery and a record-breaking window to throw out.
Technology might threaten our way of life. Robots have already taken some factory jobs. AI has been trained to write articles, perform surgery and untangle simple legal cases. One day, perhaps we will all be out of work, with drastic consequences for the lives of the newly jobless.
Others say there is nothing to fear. Computers are designed to improve our lives. Microsoft founder Bill Gates claims: "personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created." Tech complements our skills. As AI entrepreneur Satya Mallick says: "It is not a competition. It is a collaboration."
AI may be better at calculating. But humans can do much more than that. We have emotions. We can think in ways beyond simple yeses and nos. As Pablo Picasso once said: "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."
Our creative intelligence allows us to do things technology cannot. In 2018, Christie's sold an AI-generated portrait for $432,500. But the AI in question had to be programmed and fed data by humans. As long as we can create and imagine new things, we have the advantage.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Should we be afraid of artificial intelligence?</h5>
Yes: The robot-run future imagined in science fiction may never come to pass. But it is wise to be wary. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Fear may help us understand more about AI and ourselves.
No: Computers, said Bill Gates, "can be shaped by their user". This remains true no matter how good they are at certain tasks. Technology is our servant. Besides, all devices come with an off switch.
Or... A weapon only becomes dangerous in human hands. We should fear not AI itself but the people that might use it for sinister ends, whether cruel governments, cyber-criminals or corporations.
Brave new world - A phrase from Shakespeare's play The Tempest which was used as the title of a dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley.
Subatomic particles - The minuscule pieces of matter that make up atoms. Scientists have discovered 36 so far.
Garry Kasparov - Russian chess champion who holds the record for most months as world no. 1. He is a vocal critic of Putin's Russia.
Samuel Butler - Butler's Erewhon (1872) is often considered one of the first great science fiction novels.
Aphids - A type of tiny insect that lives by sucking the sap from plants. A common example is the greenfly.
The computer that leaves humans in the dust

Brave new world - A phrase from Shakespeare’s play The Tempest which was used as the title of a dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley.
Subatomic particles - The minuscule pieces of matter that make up atoms. Scientists have discovered 36 so far.
Garry Kasparov - Russian chess champion who holds the record for most months as world no. 1. He is a vocal critic of Putin’s Russia.
Samuel Butler - Butler’s Erewhon (1872) is often considered one of the first great science fiction novels.
Aphids - A type of tiny insect that lives by sucking the sap from plants. A common example is the greenfly.