Can science save the regent honeyeaters? The songbirds are so rare that there are not enough to teach their chicks to sing. But experts in Australia could have a solution.
The birds re-learning their love songs
Can science save the regent honeyeaters? The songbirds are so rare that there are not enough to teach their chicks to sing. But experts in Australia could have a solution.
What's happening
A rare bird in Australia has forgotten how to sing.
Regent honeyeaters use singing to survive. If they forget their special songs, they could die out.
Find out more
Chicks learn to sing by copying adults. But they are endangeredAn animal or plant that is in danger of becoming extinct - or dying out completely.. There are not enough adults to teach the chicks.
A scientist is trying to help. Dr Crates made recordingsA version of the sound on a tape or MP3. of the special birdsong.
"We hope that if they hear what they should be singing, they will learn to sing it themselves," he says.
Can science save the regent honeyeaters?
Some say
Yes! This is a clever answer to the problem. Soon there will be lots more regent honeyeaters!
Others think
No! Science can help them. But we need to keep the birds safe as well. We should protect the trees where they live!
Endangered - An animal or plant that is in danger of becoming extinct - or dying out completely.
Recordings - A version of the sound on a tape or MP3.
The birds re-learning their love songs
Endangered - An animal or plant that is in danger of becoming extinct – or dying out completely.
Recordings - A version of the sound on a tape or MP3.