Will we need to rewrite history? An amazing find by Italian historians has stunned the whole world. It may change how we think about ancient Romans forever.
Stunning treasures saved by mud and hot water
Will we need to rewrite history? An amazing find by Italian historians has stunned the whole world. It may change how we think about ancient Romans forever.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
The historians could not believe their eyes. For hours, they have been digging at the ruins of an ancientVery old. bathhouse on an Italian hilltop.
Now, they could see something sticking out of the mud.
When the dig had finished, the historians had found 24 different statues. They were made out of bronzeA brown metal made of copper and tin. , looked almost as good as new and were probably made in ancient Roman times.
This means that the statues of ancient gods are around 2,300 years old. Experts believe they were put into water at the bathhouse during a ritualSomething that is done the same way every time. Rituals are often religious. . They will now be taken to a museum.
One expert said they could "rewrite history". The statues are so well preserved that some even show the names of wealthy EtruscansAn early people who ruled over much of Italy before being conquered by the Romans. , a group of people who lived in the area before the Romans.
This means that historians will be able to use the statues to find out what life was like in Italy at the time. It could completely change their understanding of ancient life.
Will we need to rewrite history?
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Yes! The statues will tell historians more than they have ever known. Some things they thought were true may not be after all!
No! The statues are very important. But they cannot really tell us exactly what life was like in Italy thousands of years ago.
Ancient - Very old.
Bronze - A brown metal made of copper and tin.
Ritual - Something that is done the same way every time. Rituals are often religious.
Etruscans - An early people who ruled over much of Italy before being conquered by the Romans.
Stunning treasures saved by mud and hot water

Ancient - Very old.
Bronze - A brown metal made of copper and tin.
Ritual - Something that is done the same way every time. Rituals are often religious.
Etruscans - An early people who ruled over much of Italy before being conquered by the Romans.