Is perfectionism ruining our lives? The world’s top female gymnast will be absent from today’s all-around final – and may also concede the rest of the titles she previously won in 2016.
Simone Biles in Olympic mental health crisis
Is perfectionism ruining our lives? The world's top female gymnast will be absent from today's all-around final - and may also concede the rest of the titles she previously won in 2016.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper"><strong>Flawless v the rest</strong></h2>
The news caused consternationA feeling of shock or confusion. It derives from a Latin verb meaning to alarm or dismay. in the Olympic villageThe area where the competitors are accommodated. and among sports fans across the world. Simone Biles, who seemed guaranteed to win a clutch of gold medals, had withdrawn from the first of five individual finals. America's most successful gymnast had already dropped out of the equivalent team event; now her prospects for the other four titlesBiles holds those for the vault, uneven bars, floor and beam. were also in doubt.
"I have to focus on my mental health," she wrote in an Instagram post. "We have to protect our minds and our bodies and not just go out and do what the world wants us to do." She continued, "We're not just athletes. We're people at the end of the day and sometimes you just have to step back."
Many have supported her decision and saluted her courage in highlighting mental health. "We are proud of you, and we are rooting for you," said Michelle Obama on Twitter. "This is real superhuman strength, setting an example for all of us," said comedian Chelsea Handler.
Others, however, have been unsympathetic, arguing that mental toughness has always been as important for competitors as physical prowess. "Are 'mental health issues' now the go-to excuse for any poor performance in elite sport? What a joke," tweeted Piers MorganThe British journalist was sacked as editor of the Daily Mirror for running fake photographs of alleged torture by British soldiers in Iraq, and resigned from Good Morning Britain after making disparaging remarks about the Duchess of Sussex.. "Just admit you did badly, made mistakes and will strive to do better next time. Kids need strong role models, not this nonsense."
Biles is not the only top athlete to take such an extreme step. Last month the tennis star Naomi OsakaThough ranked number one in the world, the Japanese player was knocked out in the third round at the Olympics. dropped out of the French Open, also citing mental health issues.
Of all sports, gymnastics is the one most obsessed with precision: literally putting a foot wrong can cost a competitor a gold medal. Biles is so brilliant that she can win even when she makes mistakes that would eliminate others - but in terms of her impact on the sport, Anne McElvoy wrote in The Guardian: "she represents a return of the quest for perfection". For the very best, coming first is not enough.
In ancient Greece, great athletes were seen as bridging the gap between the human and the divine, the imperfect and the imperfect. The ThebanThebes was a city-state in ancient Greece, not to be confused with a city of the same name in Egypt. poet Pindar is remembered for his odes to victors at the Olympic Games and other contests, which discussed their achievements in comparison to gods and legendary heroes.
Throughout history, the greatest sporting heroes have been celebrated not just for breaking records but for triumphing against overwhelming odds. In 1923 the boxer Jack Dempsey won a classic fight by knocking out Luis Firpo after himself being knocked out of the ring.
In the 1956 FA Cup final, goalkeeper Bert TrautmannThe German goalkeeper was brought to England as a prisoner in World War Two, and initially met with hostility from British crowds. But he became a popular figure in Manchester, and in 2004 received the OBE for promoting Anglo-German understanding. helped Manchester City achieve victory despite playing the final 15 minutes with a broken neck. At the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, the Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci challenged Soviet dominance in the sport at just 14 - and became the first competitor ever to be awarded a perfect 10 for her performance.
But according to Megan Reyes, writing in The Lily: "Biles's vulnerability is beautiful. She has taught us all that perfection is not the goal; health is."
Is perfectionism ruining our lives?
Some say, yes. Nobody can achieve perfection, so the quest for it simply puts people under pressure, in everyday life as well as in sport. Images in advertising and on social media of apparently perfect role models make us unnecessarily discontent. But great religions such as Buddhism emphasise that we are imperfect, and should focus on atoning for our shortcomings.
Others say no. Having an ideal to aim for brings out the best in us, even if it does not always lead to perfection or success. In Arthurian legend, only one of the knights of the Round Table, Sir Galahad, succeeds in the quest for the Holy Grail, but he sets a standard of chivalry which is an inspiration to others. The poet Robert Browning insisted that "a man's reach should exceed his grasp".
Consternation - A feeling of shock or confusion. It derives from a Latin verb meaning to alarm or dismay.
Olympic Village - The area where the competitors are accommodated.
Other four titles - Biles holds those for the vault, uneven bars, floor and beam.
Piers Morgan - The British journalist was sacked as editor of the Daily Mirror for running fake photographs of alleged torture by British soldiers in Iraq, and resigned from Good Morning Britain after making disparaging remarks about the Duchess of Sussex.
Naomi Osaka - Though ranked number one in the world, the Japanese player was knocked out in the third round at the Olympics.
Theban - Thebes was a city-state in ancient Greece, not to be confused with a city of the same name in Egypt.
Bert Trautmann - The German goalkeeper was brought to England as a prisoner in World War Two, and initially met with hostility from British crowds. But he became a popular figure in Manchester, and in 2004 received the OBE for promoting Anglo-German understanding.
Simone Biles in Olympic mental health crisis

Consternation - A feeling of shock or confusion. It derives from a Latin verb meaning to alarm or dismay.
Olympic Village - The area where the competitors are accommodated.
Other four titles - Biles holds those for the vault, uneven bars, floor and beam.
Piers Morgan - The British journalist was sacked as editor of the Daily Mirror for running fake photographs of alleged torture by British soldiers in Iraq, and resigned from Good Morning Britain after making disparaging remarks about the Duchess of Sussex.
Naomi Osaka - Though ranked number one in the world, the Japanese player was knocked out in the third round at the Olympics.
Theban - Thebes was a city-state in ancient Greece, not to be confused with a city of the same name in Egypt.
Bert Trautmann - The German goalkeeper was brought to England as a prisoner in World War Two, and initially met with hostility from British crowds. But he became a popular figure in Manchester, and in 2004 received the OBE for promoting Anglo-German understanding.