Do we all have hidden powers? Joy Milne knew her husband was ill before the doctors did – because she could smell it. She is one of a group of people stunning scientists with their talents.
Scientists awed by woman who sniffs disease
Do we all have hidden powers? Joy Milne knew her husband was ill before the doctors did - because she could smell it. She is one of a group of people stunning scientists with their talents.
What's happening?
Joy Milne knew something was not quite right with her husband. His neck and skin had started to smell differentNot the same. . Years later, doctors found out Les had an illness called Parkinson's diseaseA condition which affects the part of the brain controlling movement.. When Joy met other people with the same illness, they all smelled the same.
For years, Joy worked with scientists to find out what she could smell. Now, they have created a test that can help to work out if someone has the same illness as Les.
But Joy is not the only one with amazing and unusualVery uncommon. powers. In Arizona in the USAThe United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million. , Scott Flansburg is the fastest human calculator. He can do very hard maths in his head very quickly.
When doctors scanned his brain, they had never seen anything like it. Now, Scott has made his own calendar for the year. He think we should have 13 months which all have the same number of days.
In London in England, Derek Paravicini can play any piece of music he has ever heard. Derek has been blindPeople who are blind cannot see. since he was born. Music helps him to connect to others. He travels around the world asking people to name songs and playing them for others.
Find out more
And the magician Uri GellerAn Israeli-British magician who performs on television. is famous for bending spoons - but many people think it is just a trick.
Do we all have hidden powers?
Yes! Everyone can do amazing things, from smelling illness to mental maths. Most of us just do not know what our hidden talents are!
No! We all have things we are good at. But only a few people in the world have hidden powers that shock scientists.
Different - Not the same.
Parkinson's disease - A condition which affects the part of the brain controlling movement.
Unusual - Very uncommon.
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Blind - People who are blind cannot see.
Uri Geller - An Israeli-British magician who performs on television.
Scientists awed by woman who sniffs disease
Different - Not the same.
Parkinson’s disease - A condition which affects the part of the brain controlling movement.
Unusual - Very uncommon.
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Blind - People who are blind cannot see.
Uri Geller - An Israeli-British magician who performs on television.