Will we finally find aliens? Yesterday work began on a vast new radio telescope, with the power to unlock some of the deepest secrets of the universe.
Scientific 'project of the century' has begun
Will we finally find aliens? Yesterday work began on a vast new radio telescope, with the power to unlock some of the deepest secrets of the universe.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
A desert in South Africa. And a place in Australia without any towns. This is where people gathered yesterday to celebrate an amazing moment in science.
Building work is starting on a huge telescopeA device which makes things look nearer than they are. called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
One scientist says it will be able to find a mobile phone in the pocket of an astronaut on Mars. If aliens have technology like ours, the SKA telescope could find it.
Scientists hope the telescope will look at how stars form, how gravityAn invisible force that pulls objects towards each other. Earth's gravity keeps us on the ground and makes things fall. It is less strong on Mars. works and help us understand the past and future of the universeEverything. Including all of time and space and its contents. .
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Will we finally find aliens?</h5>
Yes! The universe is so big we cannot possibly be alone. The new telescope is our best chance of making contact with aliens.
No! This is wishful thinking. The telescope will prove once and for all that aliens do not exist.
Telescope - A device which makes things look nearer than they are.
Gravity - An invisible force that pulls objects towards each other. Earth's gravity keeps us on the ground and makes things fall. It is less strong on Mars.
Universe - Everything. Including all of time and space and its contents.
Scientific ‘project of the century’ has begun

Telescope - A device which makes things look nearer than they are.
Gravity - An invisible force that pulls objects towards each other. Earth's gravity keeps us on the ground and makes things fall. It is less strong on Mars.
Universe - Everything. Including all of time and space and its contents.