Did the world order change forever? For many, 2022 was a year of permanent crisis, economic hardship and political instability. And some argue events this year have reshaped how the world works.
Review of the year: the news that changed us
Did the world order change forever? For many, 2022 was a year of permanent crisis, economic hardship and political instability. And some argue events this year have reshaped how the world works.
According to the Collins Dictionary, the word of the year is "permacrisis": a period of instability caused by catastrophic events. Some say it perfectly sums up the last twelve months.
Invasion. In February, Vladimir PutinRussia's ruler since 2000. He is a strong opponent of the West. began a bloody and lengthy war in Ukraine.1 The US and its allies supported Ukraine, seeing Russia's action as a threat to world order.
Global warming. This summer, the UK hit record temperatures and Europe had its worst drought in five centuries.2 Scientists warn the planet is close to a disastrous tipping point.3
End of an era. Elizabeth II died on 8 September. The longest reign in British history saw enormous change. She was born before television, and her funeral was the most-watched broadcast ever.4
Iran protests. Mahsa Amini died after being arrested for breaking Iran's strict dress code. Her death sparked huge protests against the religious leadership of Iran.
Inflation nation. In the UK, the cost of livingThe money that someone needs to afford basic food, housing and clothes. crisis deepened and the country faced political chaos. Three prime ministers entered Downing Street10 Downing Street, in central London, has been the official home of the UK prime minister since 1735. in two months.
Media takeover. The richest person on Earth bought Twitter. Elon Musk calls it the "world's town square" but critics say hate speech is surging on the platform.5
Anti-censorship. In November, Chinese protestors held blank pieces of paper to criticise Covid-19 restrictions and lack of freedom of speech. Students marched for democracy in the biggest movement since 1989.
Foul play. This year's men's World Cup is the first to be held in winter. Far more controversial is the host nation's human rights record. Homosexuality is illegal in QatarA small country on the Arabian Peninsula, bordering Saudi Arabia. Like its larger neighbour, it has experienced rapid economic development but maintained strict conservative religious codes.. Amnesty says migrant workers are in "modern slavery", and an estimated 6,500 have died in the last decade.6
The year's major events reveal how the world works, what is changing and what is staying the same.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Did the world order change forever?</strong></h5>
Yes: In the Second Elizabethan Age, leaders in Washington and at the UN made rules that most countries followed. The West is now much weaker, and China's economic might is shaping the future world order.
No: Democracy and human rights are ideas worth defending. Protests in authoritarian countries, outrage at Qatar, and international support for Ukraine show people will fight to keep the world free.
Or... A monarch dies and a prime minister resigns, but world orders take years to change hands. Western political influence is declining, but 2022 shows a mixed picture and an uncertain future.
Vladimir Putin - Russia's ruler since 2000. He is a strong opponent of the West.
Cost of living - The money that someone needs to afford basic food, housing and clothes.
Downing Street - 10 Downing Street, in central London, has been the official home of the UK prime minister since 1735.
Qatar - A small country on the Arabian Peninsula, bordering Saudi Arabia. Like its larger neighbour, it has experienced rapid economic development but maintained strict conservative religious codes.
Review of the year: the news that changed us

Vladimir Putin - Russia’s ruler since 2000. He is a strong opponent of the West.
Cost of living - The money that someone needs to afford basic food, housing and clothes.
Downing Street - 10 Downing Street, in central London, has been the official home of the UK prime minister since 1735.
Qatar - A small country on the Arabian Peninsula, bordering Saudi Arabia. Like its larger neighbour, it has experienced rapid economic development but maintained strict conservative religious codes.