A new study says there are more non-believers than Christians in England and Wales for the first time. The pattern is similar elsewhere in the West — so will established religions die out? ‘We don’t do God.’ The words of Alistair Campbell have gone down in political folklore. His boss, Tony Blair, then UK prime minister, had strong religious convictions, and Campbell worried that British people would respond unfavourably to them. His concern appears well founded. Yesterday a study revealed that almost half the population of England and Wales had no religion in 2014. For the first time, that figure was higher than the proportion of Christians. For every person becoming an Anglican, 12 others give up their faith; for every new Catholic, 10 old ones leave. ‘Churches need to take this data very seriously,’ said Stephen Bullivant, one of the study’s authors. The trends, which are also reflected in Scotland, appear set to continue. Half of English and Welsh Christians are over 55; only 25% of Britons aged 18-24 believe in a god. Britain is officially a Christian country — the Queen is the head of the Anglican church and defender of the faith. This heritage can be dated back to the second century. Christianity dominated life in medieval times after the Normans built stone churches. The 16th and 17th centuries saw widespread conflict as the Anglican and Scottish churches were created. One psychologist says the average country will turn secular — officially unaffiliated from religion — by 2041 as a result of increasing wealth. In Western nations, the spread of rational thought, church scandals, immigrants’ beliefs and changing social attitudes have all been linked to the decline of Christianity. Even in the USA — where over 70% of people are Christian — non-belief is on the rise. This week 62% of Britons told a survey there was ‘no place in UK politics for religious influence of any kind’. More of them now engage in spiritual experiences which are not part of church doctrine, such as mindfulness meditation. But is the decline of organised religion inevitable? Losing faith Yes, say some. Religions are irrational, resistant to material and scientific progress and incompatible with modern values. Those in charge of them have enjoyed unearned power for too long; given the chance, people will look elsewhere for their spiritual needs. And whatever you believe, secularism is tolerant and liberal — the state does not take sides over your private beliefs. No, respond others. Religions give us a sense of wonder and touch on questions which are far more significant than our day-to-day material concerns. They bring people together and instil social order. Britain’s laws and traditions are still largely based on Christianity — even sworn atheists celebrate Christmas and believe in principles such as the sanctity of life. Religion is here to stay. KeywordsScotland - A country that is part of the United Kingdom. It covers the northern part of the island of Great Britain.
A new study says there are more non-believers than Christians in England and Wales for the first time. The pattern is similar elsewhere in the West - so will established religions die out?
Losing faith
Scotland - A country that is part of the United Kingdom. It covers the northern part of the island of Great Britain.
Religion under threat as UK loses belief
Scotland - A country that is part of the United Kingdom. It covers the northern part of the island of Great Britain.