On this day 100 years ago, revolutionaries stormed then Winter Palace in St Petersburg. It was a decisive moment in then Russian revolutionIn 1917 the February revolution led to the abdication of Nicholas II. The October Revolution was the ousting of the provisional government by the Bolsheviks.; it set in motion events leading to the execution of TsarTitle given to an emperor of Russia before the revolution of 1917. The word was originally used for the Bulgarian monarchs in the 10th Century, but can also be used to refer to anyone with absolute power. Nicholas II and the creation of communistAn economic system entailing collective ownership of all means of production in contrast with capitalism, which holds that industry and businesses are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government. Russia.
Putin the tsar and a new Russian revolution
On this day 100 years ago, revolutionaries stormed then Winter Palace in St Petersburg. It was a decisive moment in then Russian revolutionIn 1917 the February revolution led to the abdication of Nicholas II. The October Revolution was the ousting of the provisional government by the Bolsheviks.; it set in motion events leading to the execution of TsarTitle given to an emperor of Russia before the revolution of 1917. The word was originally used for the Bulgarian monarchs in the 10th Century, but can also be used to refer to anyone with absolute power. Nicholas II and the creation of communistAn economic system entailing collective ownership of all means of production in contrast with capitalism, which holds that industry and businesses are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government. Russia.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Q & A</h2>
A hundred years on and revolutionary spirits persist. On Sunday far-right protesters gathered in Moscow. Russian police cracked down brutally, arresting over 200 people and accusing them of attempting a "revolution".
Putin is wary of how history could inspire modern revolutionaries. During the SovietRelating to the Soviet Union, a powerful group of communist republics, the biggest being Russia, that existed from 1922 to 1991. era, the October Revolution was celebrated every year on 7 November. In 2005 Putin abolished the celebrations, creating a new holiday called "Unity Day".
He regularly criticises the revolution. Last month he said it had "negative" consequences. And in 2015 he declared that it caused the "collapse" of Russia.
Journalist Shaun Walker claims that Putin uses these statements to "downplay revolution as a political tool". Why? Because, an The Economist argues, Putin himself has become a "21st century tsar".
Putin is similar to Tsar Nicholas II in several ways. Both sought approval at home through military conquest abroad. Nicholas's attempt failed during a disastrous war against Japan. But Putin had more success when his 2014 annexation of Crimea led to an surge in approval ratings.
Putin is also an autocratA leader who rules by force and with absolute power, without the permission of others.. The Economist describes him atop a "pyramid of patronage" controlling "all access to power". Nicholas tried to rule in the same way, declaring his aim to preserve autocracy "firmly and unflinchingly".
And, perhaps most importantly, both use repressionThe act of subsiding something by force. Repressive is usually used negatively, often to describe the activities of authoritarian states. to contain civil opposition. In 1905 hundreds of civiliansPeople who are not in the army or the police. were killed by the tsar's troops on Bloody Sunday. While never approaching such violence, Putin has been criticised for repression against political opponents and homosexuals.
People have noticed these parallels. Last month protesters paraded through St Petersburg shouting "Down with the Tsar," referring to Putin.
But could there really be another revolution?
"Power is fragile," some argue. There is a reason Putin cracks down so hard on the slightest dissent: revolutions grow from small beginnings. The Bolsheviks themselves were a small band of men and they toppled a nation. If repression at home worsens and Putin's luck changes abroad, he will quickly find himself vulnerable.
"Putin is more powerful than ever," others respond. This year he had record approval ratings, and revolutionary feelings are only spouted by an impotent fringe. Putin differs from Tsar Nicholas II in a crucial way: he is a strong leader. His uncompromising nature will bring Russia stability at home, and power abroad.
What do we know? The next Russian elections are scheduled for 2018. If Putin were to run he would be seeking his fourth term in office. If he were elected he would rule until 2024. There is no limit on the number of terms a president may sit. However, no candidate can run for three consecutive terms. After ruling for two terms, Putin sat out the presidency between 2008-2012 whilst maintaining his power as prime minister.
What do we not know? We do not know for sure if Putin will seek election in 2018, and we do not know if he will win. Alexei Navalny, an enemy of Putin, has claimed that he will run. We do not know if the 200 protesters arrested on Sunday were actually plotting a revolution. The accusation was levelled against them by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).
Russian revolution - In 1917 the February revolution led to the abdication of Nicholas II. The October Revolution was the ousting of the provisional government by the Bolsheviks.
Tsar - Title given to an emperor of Russia before the revolution of 1917. The word was originally used for the Bulgarian monarchs in the 10th Century, but can also be used to refer to anyone with absolute power.
Communist - An economic system entailing collective ownership of all means of production in contrast with capitalism, which holds that industry and businesses are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government.
Soviet - Relating to the Soviet Union, a powerful group of communist republics, the biggest being Russia, that existed from 1922 to 1991.
Autocrat - A leader who rules by force and with absolute power, without the permission of others.
Repression - The act of subsiding something by force. Repressive is usually used negatively, often to describe the activities of authoritarian states.
Civilians - People who are not in the army or the police.
Putin the tsar and a new Russian revolution

Russian revolution - In 1917 the February revolution led to the abdication of Nicholas II. The October Revolution was the ousting of the provisional government by the Bolsheviks.
Tsar - Title given to an emperor of Russia before the revolution of 1917. The word was originally used for the Bulgarian monarchs in the 10th Century, but can also be used to refer to anyone with absolute power.
Communist - An economic system entailing collective ownership of all means of production in contrast with capitalism, which holds that industry and businesses are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government.
Soviet - Relating to the Soviet Union, a powerful group of communist republics, the biggest being Russia, that existed from 1922 to 1991.
Autocrat - A leader who rules by force and with absolute power, without the permission of others.
Repression - The act of subsiding something by force. Repressive is usually used negatively, often to describe the activities of authoritarian states.
Civilians - People who are not in the army or the police.