What can Star Wars teach us about religion? Behind the explosions and high-speed chases, there is a fascinating mythology...
Hang on... Star Wars isn't a religion!: Actually, it sort of is: 176,632 people listed "Jedi" as their religion on the 2011 censusAn official count of the number of people in a country. In England and Wales, a census takes place every decade. for England and Wales. In the USA, the "Temple of the Jedi Order" is a registered church whose followers believe "in the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it".
However, that is not what we are talking about today. We are talking about the fictional religion, and how it operates in the Star Wars movies.
Erm, why? Star Wars was partly created to explore religion. In 1999, its creator, George Lucas, told Time magazine that he wanted to "try to awaken a certain kind of spirituality in young people". This was not the same as any of the religions practised on our home planet, but "more a belief in God... I wanted to make it so that young people would begin to ask questions about the mystery".
Is God real in Star Wars? Not in the way that most people are used to thinking of God, as the creator of the Universe. Instead, characters in Star Wars talk about "the Force", a transcendentBeyond normal human experience. mystical energy which surrounds everyone and everything. The Force is neither good nor bad, but it does have a dark side and a light side.
Those who are trained to use the dark side of the Force are called Sith (think Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine), and those who use the light side are called Jedi (Obi-Wan Kenobi or Luke Skywalker).
Is it a bit like Buddhism? There are some Buddhist elements, such as the idea that everything in the Universe is interconnected.
There is also the fact that people who use the Force practise a kind of meditation, in which they empty their minds of emotion in order to "become one with the force".
The belief that the Force has a dark and light side is also similar to the Chinese religion of Taoism, most famous for its yin and yang symbol.
Is Jediism anything like Christianity? The language of light and darkness is very Christian, as are the stories of sacrifice and redemption which permeate the Star Wars movies.
Then again, Jews and Muslims also identify with elements of the religion in Star Wars. For example, the name "Yoda" means "one who knows" in Hebrew. Meanwhile, Sufi Muslims would recognise Jediism as "futuwwat", or "the way of the mystic warrior".
In other words, the Force is an amalgamation of many different religious ideas. According to author Chris Taylor, it is "so well suited to our times precisely because it is so bereft of detail".
How do people become a Jedi? This is where Star Wars diverts from major religions on Earth. In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, it is explained that human cells contain tiny intelligent life forms called midi-chlorians. People who possess a lot of midi-chlorians are particularly sensitive to the Force, and can learn to control it. This adds a biological element of the religion.
If you can use the Force, it is up to you whether you embrace the light side and become a Jedi, or go to the dark side and become a Sith.
Does everyone believe in it? No. In fact, those who do are often in the minority. In Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Han Solo insists, "There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny!"
This is because, as discovered in the prequels, the Jedi order has been wiped out and suppressed by the evil empire. And that is another way that Jediism echoes Christianity: it is a religion that is struggling to survive in an increasingly secularA word used to describe something that is not connected with the religious or spiritual sphere. world.
Census - An official count of the number of people in a country. In England and Wales, a census takes place every decade.
Transcendent - Beyond normal human experience.
Secular - A word used to describe something that is not connected with the religious or spiritual sphere.
The religion of Star Wars

Census - An official count of the number of people in a country. In England and Wales, a census takes place every decade.
Transcendent - Beyond normal human experience.
Secular - A word used to describe something that is not connected with the religious or spiritual sphere.