Scientists believe they may have found a bone belonging to St Nicholas, also known as Father Christmas. How did this 4th Century bishop become such a popular figure?
Wait, someone found Santa's bone? That's not festive! Not quite. Santa Claus's story originally grew from that of St Nicholas, a bishop who is believed to have died around 343AD.
It is a piece of this man's bone (perhaps) which has been carbon testedA very complex process which scientists use to find out how old something is. at Oxford University. The test has found that the relic does date from the time of St Nicholas, but it it does not prove that the bone is his.
Who exactly was St Nicholas? He was born three centuries after Jesus Christ, and lived in the town of Myra in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He was a passionate believer in Christianity and spent time in prison because he refused to abandon his faith. Later he was made a saint, and St Nicholas's feast day is celebrated on the anniversary of his death, December 6th.
There are two famous stories about him which eventually inspired Santa Claus.
What is the first one? The first shows his reputation as a protector of the poor. While he was alive, families with daughters were expected to give dowriesGifts, often property, given by a bride's family to her husband on marriage. to their husbands' families when they married. One poor family had three daughters and so could not afford this. To save them from a life of ruin and destitution, St Nicholas paid the the dowries for them.
He offered three bags of gold for the women, which he threw through a window. The bags of gold landed into socks that were left near the chimney to dry. Sound familiar?
What about the second? The second is a little scarier, but it shows St Nicholas's devotion to children. One day he walked into an inn in Athens and discovered that the innkeeper had robbed and killed three young men. St Nicholas prayed and brought their bodies back to life.
How did St Nicholas inspire Father Christmas? Catholic children have been given gifts on St Nicholas's Day since the Middle AgesThe Middle Ages was the period in European history that came between ancient and modern times. It lasted from about 500 to about 1500.. In the Netherlands, the festival of Sinterklaas is still celebrated with as much joy as Christmas Day itself.
After the Reformation, protestant countries like Britain stopped celebrating saints' days. Gifts were given on Christmas Day instead, in order to focus more on Jesus Christ. Thus the two festivals merged.
Now, Father Christmas is also called Santa Claus and - sometimes - St Nicholas. Plus, his fluffy white beard and pointy hat look like a lot like paintings of the saint!
Are stories about Father Christmas the same all around the world? Not at all! The stories you are familiar with began in England around the time of Henry VIII, when "Sir Christmas" was pictured as a large man in green or red robes lined with fur. The VictoriansPeople who lived during the reign of Queen Victoria on the British throne, from 1837 to 1901. revived the idea, and it was made popular by Coca Cola in the 20th Century.
In Russia there is a character called Ded Moroz (or Grandfather Frost) who dresses in blue. In Austria, a scarier figure called Krampus tries to frighten children. In Japan, Santa Kurohsu is said to have eyes in the back of his head to allow him to keep an eye on the naughtiest kids - so watch out!
Carbon tested - A very complex process which scientists use to find out how old something is.
Dowries - Gifts, often property, given by a bride's family to her husband on marriage.
Middle Ages - The Middle Ages was the period in European history that came between ancient and modern times. It lasted from about 500 to about 1500.
Victorians - People who lived during the reign of Queen Victoria on the British throne, from 1837 to 1901.
St Nicholas

Carbon tested - A very complex process which scientists use to find out how old something is.
Dowries - Gifts, often property, given by a bride’s family to her husband on marriage.
Middle Ages - The Middle Ages was the period in European history that came between ancient and modern times. It lasted from about 500 to about 1500.
Victorians - People who lived during the reign of Queen Victoria on the British throne, from 1837 to 1901.