Can we stop the Willow Project? Drilling for oil may soon start in the Arctic Circle. But many say this is bad news for the climate.
Outrage over $8bn Alaska oil drilling plan
Can we stop the Willow Project? Drilling for oil may soon start in the Arctic Circle. But many say this is bad news for the climate.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Nuiqsut is waiting to hear its fateDestiny, or how things that are outside of your control will work out in the future. . This week, the USAThe United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million. will decide whether or not to give the go ahead to a plan to drill for oil near the tiny village in AlaskaA US state in the extreme northwest of the continent of North America. It is separated from the rest of the USA by Canada. .
It is part of a plan called the Willow Project, run by an oil company.
Oil is a fossil fuelFossil fuels, including coal, crude oil and natural gas, are made from decomposing plants and other organisms. The non-renewable fuels are burned for energy, emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.. Fossil fuels cause global warmingThe Earth is getting hotter due to climate change..
Parts of Alaska are in the Arctic CircleAn imaginary line drawn around the most northern part of the world. It is one of the two very cold areas of the Earth near the poles. . The climate there is warming four times faster than in the rest of the world.
Now, more than two million people have signed a letter calling on the USA to stop the drilling.
But the Willow Project would also bring a lot of money to Alaska. It would mean jobs for people who live there.
Can we stop the Willow Project?
Yes! Many people do not want the drilling to happen. Their voices will be heard. People know how important it is to stop climate changeLong-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change..
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
No! Money runs the world. The Willow Project will bring a lot of money to Alaska and the rest of the USA. Biden will not stop it.
Fate - Destiny, or how things that are outside of your control will work out in the future.
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Alaska - A US state in the extreme northwest of the continent of North America. It is separated from the rest of the USA by Canada.
Fossil fuel - Fossil fuels, including coal, crude oil and natural gas, are made from decomposing plants and other organisms. The non-renewable fuels are burned for energy, emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Global warming - The Earth is getting hotter due to climate change.
Arctic Circle - An imaginary line drawn around the most northern part of the world. It is one of the two very cold areas of the Earth near the poles.
Climate change - Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change.
Outrage over $8bn Alaska oil drilling plan
Fate - Destiny, or how things that are outside of your control will work out in the future.
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Alaska - A US state in the extreme northwest of the continent of North America. It is separated from the rest of the USA by Canada.
Fossil fuel - Fossil fuels, including coal, crude oil and natural gas, are made from decomposing plants and other organisms. The non-renewable fuels are burned for energy, emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Global warming - The Earth is getting hotter due to climate change.
Arctic Circle - An imaginary line drawn around the most northern part of the world. It is one of the two very cold areas of the Earth near the poles.
Climate change - Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change.