Can America stop the violence? Two mass shootings killed 18 people in California in just one weekend. Across the USA, many more are dead.
One weekend, 18 dead, two mass shootings
Can America stop the violence? Two mass shootings killed 18 people in California in just one weekend. Across the USA, many more are dead.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
They should be in shock - but this is normal now. This weekend, a gunman walked into a dance hall near Los AngelesA city in California, USA. It is known for one of its districts - Hollywood, home of the US film industry. and killed 11 people. They were celebrating Lunar New Year.
Hours later, another gunman killed seven people at a farm not far away.
Gun violence is a huge problem in the USA. Every day, 111 people are killed. This year, there have been 39 mass shootings so far. More children are killed by guns than by cars.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Americans are much more likely to own guns than people from other countries. There are more guns in the country than people.
Some think the USA need more rules about who can own guns, and what kinds of gun they can own. Other countries have much stricter rules - and far fewer gun deaths.
But others say the right to own a gun is one of the most important rights Americans have. It is written down in their constitutionA document that sets out the fundamental rules according to which a country is governed, which are usually difficult to change. - the set of rules which leaders use to run the country. Any new rules, they say, would go against their rights.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Can America stop the violence?</h5>
Yes! One country can only see so many needless deaths before they make big changes. Young Americans will work together to stop the violence.
No! This is not a new problem - mass shootings have happened for many years. The groups who support gun owners' rights are far too powerful.
Los Angeles - A city in California, USA. It is known for one of its districts - Hollywood, home of the US film industry.
Constitution - A document that sets out the fundamental rules according to which a country is governed, which are usually difficult to change.
One weekend, 18 dead, two mass shootings

Los Angeles - A city in California, USA. It is known for one of its districts - Hollywood, home of the US film industry.
Constitution - A document that sets out the fundamental rules according to which a country is governed, which are usually difficult to change.