Has Syria been forgotten? People in Syria were already suffering after years of war. Then a huge earthquake destroyed more buildings and lives.
One scanner for 4.7m earthquake survivors
Has Syria been forgotten? People in Syria were already suffering after years of war. Then a huge earthquake destroyed more buildings and lives.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
For doctors in SyriaA Middle Eastern country that was the site of much of the fighting during the Crusades., it is a race against time. Last month, the country was hit by a huge earthquakeThe shaking of the surface of the Earth after a sudden burst of energy at a tectonic plate boundary. . Thousands of buildings fell down. Many people died and lots more were hurt.
The doctors are trying to help people who were injuredHurt.. But their task is not easy.
In northern Syria, there are 8,500 people who need help. But the doctors only have 64 X-rayA type of radiation. X-ray imaging is used to create images inside the body. machines to check for broken bones and one MRIMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in healthcare to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body. machine, which makes pictures of the injuries inside people's bodies. And lots of medicines were lost in the earthquake.
Many people in TurkeyOfficially the Republic of Turkiye, a country that lies partly in Europe and partly in Asia at the east of the Mediterranean. were also hurt by the earthquake. But help has reached Turkey quicker than it has reached Syria. Why?
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
For more than 10 years, Syria has been in a long war. Hospitals in the country were attacked. Many people in northern Syria moved there from other parts of the country to escape danger.
Groups that bring aidHelp or support. to disaster zonesAreas. are finding it hard to get to Syria. There are only three places where you can cross from Turkey into Syria.
But some say the UNUnited Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security. could have done more to cross the border and help people in Syria.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Has Syria been forgotten?</h5>
Yes! Much of the world's help and support after the earthquake went to Turkey, not Syria. People in Turkey needed this help - but so do people in Syria.
No! It is much harder to get rescuers and medicines to Syria than it is to Turkey. Syria is still in a long war.
Syria - A Middle Eastern country that was the site of much of the fighting during the Crusades.
Earthquake - The shaking of the surface of the Earth after a sudden burst of energy at a tectonic plate boundary.
Injured - Hurt.
X-ray - A type of radiation. X-ray imaging is used to create images inside the body.
MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in healthcare to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body.
Turkey - Officially the Republic of Turkiye, a country that lies partly in Europe and partly in Asia at the east of the Mediterranean.
Aid - Help or support.
Zones - Areas.
UN - United Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security.
One scanner for 4.7m earthquake survivors

Syria - A Middle Eastern country that was the site of much of the fighting during the Crusades.
Earthquake - The shaking of the surface of the Earth after a sudden burst of energy at a tectonic plate boundary.
Injured - Hurt.
X-ray - A type of radiation. X-ray imaging is used to create images inside the body.
MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in healthcare to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body.
Turkey - Officially the Republic of Türkiye, a country that lies partly in Europe and partly in Asia at the east of the Mediterranean.
Aid - Help or support.
Zones - Areas.
UN - United Nations. An intergovernmental organisation based in New York that aims to maintain international peace and security.