Does a woman on the moon really matter? Nasa has announced plans for the first female lunar explorer. For some, it is a potent statement of equality, but others call it a token gesture.
Nasa announces giant step for womankind
Does a woman on the moon really matter? Nasa has announced plans for the first female lunar explorer. For some, it is a potent statement of equality, but others call it a token gesture.
It is 2024. Most people in the world are glued to their immersive media-walls. Wide-eyed, they are so quiet that you could hear a silicone chip drop. Suddenly from the screen, a crackling voice: "That's one small step for womanNeil Armstrong - the first man on the moon - uttered the words "man" and "mankind" while on a walk there. He later maintained that he actually said "a man" rather than simply "man"., one giant leap for womankind."
In four years, this could be reality. This week, NasaThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme. announced plans to send the first woman to the Moon. She will share her mission, Artemis-3Named after Artemis, ancient Greek goddess of the Moon and hunting, who was worshipped as the protector of young women. In one myth, she transformed a man who had caught her bathing into a deer - who was then torn apart by hounds., with the 13th man to attempt a lunar landing.
This could be a totemicOf symbolic importance. Totems are animal or natural objects considered as the emblem of a family, derived from a Native American word for kin or group. moment for gender equality. Placing a woman on the Moon broadcasts the message that women are as capable as men on the global stage.
"I think," says Nasa chief Jim Brindenstine, "this could be transformational for young women all across, not just the country, but all across the world."
Critics, however, detect tokenism. The move may look good, but it provides no real advance for women's rights. In America alone, women face lower wages, disproportionate household labour and barriers to their reproductive rightsThe right of a woman to decide whether to reproduce, including the right to an abortion. The latter, although legally mandated across the US since 1973, has been increasingly difficult to access in several areas..
Over 21m US women currently live in poverty. One woman being sent to space does not change that. It might even deflect attention and resources from their struggle, and that of other disadvantaged groups.
The Artemis scheme will cost $28bn - only $2bn less than UN estimates for ending world hunger for a year. In that context, this might seem a lunatic extravagance.
This humanitarian critique of space travel predates Neil Armstrong's historic 969 moon landingThe occasion of Neil Armstrong's famous words, as watched by 650 million viewers worldwide. The next year, the US cancelled other scheduled moon missions because of their exorbitant expense.. "There is a striking absurdity," said civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr in 1967, "in committing billions to reach the Moon" while spending "a fraction" to alleviate poverty in slums.
Supporters of the mission, however, point out the importance of symbolic interventions. Winston Churchill's speeches didn't win a war, but they sent a message of unity and perseverance to Britain. In a polarised time, the new landing could bring the US together.
It could also affirm the country's status as the world's superpower, capable of feats that would stump lesser nations - especially as its rival China has embarked on its own moon missions.
"We're in a space raceAn informal competition between the USA and the Soviet Union. Each power tried to prove its technological sophistication by pushing the frontiers of space exploration. The Soviet Union put the first satellite, the first dog, the first man, and the first woman in space, but the USA was the first to reach the moon. today," proclaimed US Vice President Mike Pence, "just as we were in the 1960s, and the stakes are even higher. If the US doesn't seize the initiative, it risks being regulated to second best."
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="so-does-a-woman-on-the-moon-really-matter">So, does a woman on the moon really matter?</h5>
Lift off, say some. A woman on the Moon would be a highly visible sign of gender parity, able to inspire women everywhere. It could serve as a balm in divided times. And by reaffirming the nation's role as both a pioneer in space travel and in gender equality, the mission will help preserve the US status as a global leader. These symbolic victories outweigh the financial loss.
Abort mission, caution others. Women face many problems today, and placing a representative on the moon is hardly a priority. With over 201,000 US citizens dead from Covid-19, the nation in uproar over racial violence and the looming climate catastrophe, to rekindle 1969 is a wasteful frivolity. We should work to protect and improve lives here before reaching for the stars.
Woman - Neil Armstrong - the first man on the moon - uttered the words "man" and "mankind" while on a walk there. He later maintained that he actually said "a man" rather than simply "man".
Nasa - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme.
Artemis-3 - Named after Artemis, ancient Greek goddess of the Moon and hunting, who was worshipped as the protector of young women. In one myth, she transformed a man who had caught her bathing into a deer - who was then torn apart by hounds.
Totemic - Of symbolic importance. Totems are animal or natural objects considered as the emblem of a family, derived from a Native American word for kin or group.
Reproductive rights - The right of a woman to decide whether to reproduce, including the right to an abortion. The latter, although legally mandated across the US since 1973, has been increasingly difficult to access in several areas.
1969 moon landing - The occasion of Neil Armstrong's famous words, as watched by 650 million viewers worldwide. The next year, the US cancelled other scheduled moon missions because of their exorbitant expense.
Space Race - An informal competition between the USA and the Soviet Union. Each power tried to prove its technological sophistication by pushing the frontiers of space exploration. The Soviet Union put the first satellite, the first dog, the first man, and the first woman in space, but the USA was the first to reach the moon.
Nasa announces giant step for womankind

Woman - Neil Armstrong - the first man on the moon - uttered the words "man" and "mankind" while on a walk there. He later maintained that he actually said "a man" rather than simply "man".
Nasa - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme.
Artemis-3 - Named after Artemis, ancient Greek goddess of the Moon and hunting, who was worshipped as the protector of young women. In one myth, she transformed a man who had caught her bathing into a deer - who was then torn apart by hounds.
Totemic - Of symbolic importance. Totems are animal or natural objects considered as the emblem of a family, derived from a Native American word for kin or group.
Reproductive rights - The right of a woman to decide whether to reproduce, including the right to an abortion. The latter, although legally mandated across the US since 1973, has been increasingly difficult to access in several areas.
1969 moon landing - The occasion of Neil Armstrong's famous words, as watched by 650 million viewers worldwide. The next year, the US cancelled other scheduled moon missions because of their exorbitant expense.
Space Race - An informal competition between the USA and the Soviet Union. Each power tried to prove its technological sophistication by pushing the frontiers of space exploration. The Soviet Union put the first satellite, the first dog, the first man, and the first woman in space, but the USA was the first to reach the moon.