Do humans have limits? A stunning new film asks whether the world is never-ending. But some scientists say we can never know the answer.
Mystery of infinity revealed in new film
Do humans have limits? A stunning new film asks whether the world is never-ending. But some scientists say we can never know the answer.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Picture the biggest thing you have ever seen. Now, imagine it is so big that it goes on forever. If it did, it would be infinite.
Most things are finite. This means they have a beginning and an end. They can be measured. But infinite things go on forever.
Some say infinity is a number. Others say it is an idea or a place. And some say it is all three.
Scientists who study space are very interested in infinity. Many believe the universeEverything. Including all of time and space and its contents. is infinite, and that it keeps growing and stretching on forever. Others think the universe will stop growing one day.
It is a question that puzzles many. But the answers may not come any time soon. Nobody can travel into infinity and come back to proveShow beyond doubt that something is true. it exists. They simply would not come back.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Do humans have limits?
Yes! Humans know many things. But there are some answers, such as the reason why we exist, that are still far out of reach.
No! Time and time again, scientists have found out things that were once thought to be impossible.
Universe - Everything. Including all of time and space and its contents.
Prove - Show beyond doubt that something is true.
Mystery of infinity revealed in new film

Universe - Everything. Including all of time and space and its contents.
Prove - Show beyond doubt that something is true.