Should we all go vegan? Shocking scenes of abuse at a farm supplying major brands with dairy produce have revived the debate about animal cruelty.
M&S supplier lashes cows with chains
Should we all go vegan? Shocking scenes of abuse at a farm supplying major brands with dairy produce have revived the debate about animal cruelty.
Videos were released last week of cows being kicked and hit with poles, sworn at and whipped with chains.
They were taken at a farm producing milk for Marks & Spencer, the high street retailer, and the German dairy brand Muller. The farm was also endorsedA public statement or action showing that you support somebody/something. by the RSPCA, the charity for protecting animals.
All three organisations have released statements saying this behaviour falls far short of their standards.
The videos were taken secretly in 2022 by an activistSomeone who campaigns for social or political change. called Joey Carbstrong, who believes that "the dairy industry views sentientAble to perceive or feel things. animals as machines to be exploited until exhaustion".
Many people have a moral objection to killing animals for meat, yet still eat and drink dairy products. But, as Abigail Penny, a spokeswoman for Animal Equality argues, "there is no ethicalRelating to moral principles. way to consume dairy milk".
Of course, becoming vegan also causes problems as animal products are more nutritionally dense than many of their vegetable equivalents and do not contain all the nutrients humans need.
But, for many vegans, this matters much less than the suffering of animals. Besides, cows can be intelligent, form life-long friendships, and grieve when they lose loved-ones.
Should we all go vegan?
Yes! If you want to stop the suffering of animals, it is not enough to stop eating meat. Dairy farms also cause harm to cows, as these videos make clear.
No! A plant-based diet can have environmental costs that vegans will often overlook.
Endorsed - A public statement or action showing that you support somebody/something.
Activist - Someone who campaigns for social or political change.
Sentient - Able to perceive or feel things.
Ethical - Relating to moral principles.
M&S supplier lashes cows with chains

Endorsed - A public statement or action showing that you support somebody/something.
Activist - Someone who campaigns for social or political change.
Sentient - Able to perceive or feel things.
Ethical - Relating to moral principles.