Is society too focused on the idea of self-improvement? For years, politicians have promised that hard work equals success. Now one leading philosopher says the idea of merit is a myth.
Meritocracy is bad for us, says top academic
Is society too focused on the idea of self-improvement? For years, politicians have promised that hard work equals success. Now one leading philosopher says the idea of merit is a myth.
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where anything is possible, tonight is your answer."
On a cold November night in 2008, thousands stood transfixed as they watched Barack Obama, a young black man from Chicago and the next US president, deliver a stunning victory speech. His message was clear: with hard work and talent, anyone can be a success. As they listened to his words, the crowd broke out into chants of "Yes, we can." For many Americans, it was a time of unprecedented hope and optimism.
Today, 12 years on, the Western political landscape looks very different. In 2016, the American establishment was shocked by the election of Donald Trump, a controversial reality TV star. Meanwhile, in the UK, BrexitThe UK's departure from the European Union. has led to the downfall of two prime ministers - so far.
This dramatic transformation of the political sphere was sudden, and it has left many political commentators scratching their heads.
The answer to their questions may be found in a new book published last week by "rock star" philosopher Michael Sandel, who has reached audiences of millions from his desk at Harvard.
In The Tyranny of Merit, Sandel argues against what he calls "the rhetoric of rising". He explains: "Those who work hard and play by the rules should be able to rise as far as their efforts and talents will take them."
For years, left-wingA range of beliefs that are the opposite of right-wing ideas. People on the political left usually believe in collective responsibility and the good of society. They often, though not always, support higher taxes and a more active, interventionist government. politicians have told voters that the way out of poverty - and the answer to the problems of globalisation and inequality - is going to college or university. "Education, Education, Education" was the famous catchphrase of the former UK prime minister, Tony Blair. Likewise, Obama warned Americans that without "a good education", they would struggle to earn a living wage.
For Sandel, this is an argument with two fundamental flaws.
First, there is no such thing as a level playing field. Just 7% of all UK pupils attend private schools, but 42% of OxbridgeA nickname for Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Of the UK's 57 prime ministers to date, 43 have studied at either Oxford or Cambridge. places go to private-school pupils.n
Second, he believes that not only does a meritocracyThe idea that status comes from talent or ability, not privilege or social class. Sandel argues that many voters feel "humiliated by meritocracy and this entire political project". not exist, but that it shouldn't.
As Sandel puts it: "The implication is that those who do not rise will have no one to blame but themselves."
It is a suggestion that has left blue-collar workers feeling betrayed. In response, they have turned to populismA type of politics that claims to represent the common people in the fight against a powerful and "elite" establishment.. In 2016, 64% of white Americans without a college degree voted for Trump.
If left-wing candidates are ever to win again, Sandel argues, they need to dismantle the very idea of meritocracy itself.
The coronavirus pandemic highlighted society's dependence on low-paid delivery drivers, bin collectors and care home staff, not only on professionals like doctors and nurses.
Instead of universities, politicians should invest in vocational training and apprenticeships. And the people that do go to university? They should be more humble, says Sandel.
<h5 class="eplus-UtyJMP">So, is society too focused on the idea of self-improvement?</h5>
Yes, say some. Individuals should not be responsible for their own success. Those who believe otherwise risk ignoring an awkward truth - the majority of university places and highly paid jobs still go to the most privileged people in society. There is nothing wrong with not pursuing higher education. All workers who are vital to the economy should be valued and given the respect they deserve.
No, say others. It is ridiculous to say that talent and hard work do not matter. Society needs people who are highly skilled, like doctors, engineers or computer programmers, and it is only right that they should be rewarded for their achievements. If we gave up on the idea of self-improvement, no one would ever have a reason for striving to reach their goals.
Brexit - The UK's departure from the European Union.
Left-wing - A range of beliefs that are the opposite of right-wing ideas. People on the political left usually believe in collective responsibility and the good of society. They often, though not always, support higher taxes and a more active, interventionist government.
Oxbridge - A nickname for Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Of the UK's 57 prime ministers to date, 43 have studied at either Oxford or Cambridge.
Meritocracy - The idea that status comes from talent or ability, not privilege or social class. Sandel argues that many voters feel "humiliated by meritocracy and this entire political project".
Populism - A type of politics that claims to represent the common people in the fight against a powerful and "elite" establishment.
Meritocracy is bad for us, says top academic

Brexit - The UK's departure from the European Union.
Left-wing - A range of beliefs that are the opposite of right-wing ideas. People on the political left usually believe in collective responsibility and the good of society. They often, though not always, support higher taxes and a more active, interventionist government.
Oxbridge - A nickname for Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Of the UK's 57 prime ministers to date, 43 have studied at either Oxford or Cambridge.
Meritocracy - The idea that status comes from talent or ability, not privilege or social class. Sandel argues that many voters feel "humiliated by meritocracy and this entire political project".
Populism - A type of politics that claims to represent the common people in the fight against a powerful and "elite" establishment.