Will Britain ever be completely just? The biggest study of racism and inequality in the UK for more than 25 years has produced some shocking results.
Major new study puts spotlight on racism
Will Britain ever be completely just? The biggest study of racism and inequality in the UK for more than 25 years has produced some shocking results.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
"You have no idea what I go through," Cal Ellis says to his mother. He lists things people say to him: "Where are you from? Can I search your bag?"
This is a scene from Blue Lights, a new TV show. Cal is mixed-race, and his mother is White.
Many people in Britain say they understand how Cal feels.
Researchers from three universities1 have just published the results of a survey about racismPrejudice or discrimination due to a person's race or ethnicity. and inequality.
Nearly one in six people from minorityA group of people from one race, social group, culture etc that is distinct to most other people in the area or situation. groups had suffered racially motivated physical attack. More than a quarter had faced racial insults.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Two years ago, a different report found that children from ethnic minorities do better at school than White children. And a higher percentage go to university.
Yes! Britain needs leaders who set a good example, showing the importance of fairness and living and working together.
No! No country in history has ever been completely just. Even in the fairest countries, some people are treated better than others.
Racism - Prejudice or discrimination due to a person's race or ethnicity.
Minority - A group of people from one race, social group, culture etc that is distinct to most other people in the area or situation.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Will Britain ever be completely just? </strong></h5>
Major new study puts spotlight on racism
Racism - Prejudice or discrimination due to a person's race or ethnicity.
Minority - A group of people from one race, social group, culture etc that is distinct to most other people in the area or situation.