Can you think your way to luck? People who believe they are lucky have happier and healthier lives. But scientists warn that too much positivity can be a dangerous thing.
Lucky girl syndrome passes 80 million views
Can you think your way to luck? People who believe they are lucky have happier and healthier lives. But scientists warn that too much positivity can be a dangerous thing.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Frano Selak is probably one of the luckiest people in history. He survived a train crash, three car crashes and two bus crashes. And then he won the lottery.
Someone people think you can become lucky by changing the way you think. A new trend, Lucky Girl Syndrome, is becoming popular on TikTok. People say that you can achieve your goals just by thinking everything will work out.
Others think luck does not really exist - it is just something we have invented to explain the random things that happen to us.
But some scientists say that thinking you are lucky can be good for you - it gives people more confidenceHaving little doubt and a feeling of trust. in exams and interviews.
Others say it could be harmful too. If you believe you can make yourself be lucky, you might blame yourself when things do not go your way.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Can you think your way to luck?
Yes! People who think they are lucky are often happy and successful. If you believe in yourself more, you can make good things happen.
No! There is no such thing as luck. And if you think you are lucky all the time, you will feel worse when things go wrong.
Confidence - Having little doubt and a feeling of trust.
Lucky girl syndrome passes 80 million views

Confidence - Having little doubt and a feeling of trust.